Numerology of the name
Numerology of the name is an ancient kind of metaphysics that delves into the potential symbolic interpretations of numbers and letters in relation to people’s personalities and life experiences. According to this hypothesis, everything sends out a signal that can be picked up by sensors and deciphered.
Utilizing numerology of the name, one might unearth previously concealed meanings. It helps in the construction of a life path that is more in accordance with your unique set of capabilities by disclosing your dormant abilities and natural strengths. This is accomplished by revealing your latent abilities and intrinsic strengths. In contrast to astrology, the order in which your names are written in alphabetical order is just as important as the day you were born.
Is your name important?
In the context of your own numerology of the name profile, your Destiny Number, which is also referred to as your Expression Number or Name Number, plays an important function. The questions of what you are intended to achieve and who you are meant to be are both explored in this particular number. It shows the attributes that you should concentrate on developing as well as the qualities that you should focus on improving if you want to be successful in life.
The first step in determining your destiny number is to reduce your first, middle, and last names to a single digit, then add up those numbers, and then decrease the total to a single digit as well.
When calculating your Social Security number, it is vital that you provide your whole birth name (the name that appears on your birth certificate), even if you do not now go by that name. This is true even if you have changed your name after you were born. Numerologists are unanimous in their belief that this name should not be altered in any way, since doing so would result in the loss of both its power and its meaning, which would be detrimental to the individual. The consequences will follow you around for the rest of your life.
However, there are a number of legitimate reasons why some people no longer wish to go by their given name when identifying themselves publicly. Numerologists have been more forgiving in these circumstances, believing that a person’s birth name symbolises not only their whole destiny but also the blueprint for their existence as well as who they really are. Having said that, your given name is a representation of who you are, both to yourself and to others, and that may shift significantly over time. You may be able to discern how you are transitioning from one route to another by looking into the numerology of the name you have chosen for yourself.