Numerology Number 6
Just like there is astrology where the planets are set in a specific way for every human that gives him the fruit karma, there is numerology too. Numerology is about numbers where each number from 1 to 9 carries different energy, just like a zodiac sign does. When we want to get our life path revealed or what kind of personality we are, numbers may provide a more exact prediction.
Today we are going to enlighten you about the number “6.”
The number 6 is related to empathy, a soothing heart, and an ear that listens to people when they are in need. Hence number 6 nurtures, it heals, and it stays by your side when everything seems upside down. Number 6 prefers to be in service of others to keep remembering that humanity exists because seeing the world wearing rose-colored glasses is what this number prefers.
So whenever it is about the partnership, number 6 will be a great companion, especially if that partnership is about emotions such as with family or romantic relationships. Number 6 is like that warmth and ray of hope that stays along in any cold night. That is why people who get number 6 as a companion are more than lucky because they always have a great supporter by their side.
Strengths of the Number 6
Supportive: people who are assigned with number 6 will be highly supportive at any point in time. They generally like being helpers because of their soft heart and also because they don’t see the world as a cruel place to survive. This would be a person who doesn’t brag but listens to when someone actually wants to be heard. They provide full compassion and try with their hearts to offer help as much as they can.
So generally, a Number 6 will be at a place where help is needed.
Protective: This person feels protective of others; they have this bucket of love that just never ends. They really want love to be contagious, and that is what makes them protective of those whom they care about.
Plus, when it comes to their close ones, they can go to any extent to protect them. They are the ones who speak for those who don’t know or dare to speak. They are the kind of compassionate leaders who don’t give commands but work together with the team.
Romantic: since number 6 people are sympathetic, they are emotional people who often thrive when they are deeply invested in a relationship. They don’t play around, and casual dates are not their thing. However, they also need the same in return, so a number 6 should analyze the person before committing to him.
Weaknesses of the Number 6
Well, as there are strengths, there are weaknesses too. Let’s see what we have got here-
Submission: Numerology Number 6 doesn’t mind helping others because love increases by sharing. However, things don’t work this way in real life, and people do take advantage of others. In this situation, number 6 can be dominated by controlling and manipulative people. They speak for others, but they might not speak for themselves.
Sacrifice: it takes guts to be compassionate all the time and be a help whenever possible. For this many times, number 6 has to make sacrifices; they often don’t give importance to their own needs and wants. This can also weaken their romantic relationship if they are always devoted here and there without giving enough time to their better half. So they have to make a balance and only give when giving doesn’t do any harm in their personal life.
Sometimes when number 6 hits the reality and realizes that not everyone is a giver and people take advantage and manipulate. This realization can really disturb them that whenever they think about it, they just feel off.
Do “You” Have 6 in Your Numerology Chart?
To know if you have number 6 in your chart or as a destiny number, you can opt for the online numerology calculators. Several online platforms avail the numerology chart where you get the data free of cost and by entering your birth date and name. You can also find out your path number manually by adding up your date and year of birth.
Let’s try it out here-
Suppose if your date of birth is 11 December 1990. Remember that if any number results in 11, 22, or 33, then we leave it as it is. Take this example:
Reduce the birth date that is 11. We will leave it as it is since it is master number 11.
Next, we will reduce the month that is December, which means 12.
12 becomes 1 + 2, so the result is 3.
Now we reduce the year, that is 1990. It becomes 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 19. Since this is not a master number, we will add it further; hence it becomes 1+9 = 10. Further adding this number, it is 1+0, and the result is 1.
Now the final number that we have is 11+3+1 = 15. Now further adding these two digits, the result is 6. So your destiny number is 6, and now you know what the number means.