New Company Launch Press Release Example
For a company launch, it’s important to take the time to create a press release that clearly explains why your new startup is unique and what its mission is. A good press release will also highlight how this new technology can help solve customers’ problems by providing them access to better solutions.
For Immediate Release
A business press release is a written announcement of new products, services or information. Press releases are used to promote a company’s product or service, inform the public about important news and events, advertise new products and services, and respond to customer complaints and other issues that may have an impact on your business.
A good example of what you can do with this type of email is when you launch your own new product or service. The purpose of this email would be to announce the launch date along with any other details about what’s coming up next!
The contact information for the company, founders and investors is also included. This can be useful if you have a blog or other online presence that is relevant to the business, as it will allow people to find you through Google.
If you plan on doing any press releases in the future, this is an excellent place to include them. If someone contacts you about coverage of your new product launch or service offering, they might not know where else they can reach out if they don’t have access to your website address or phone number (which would be obvious).
Sample Press Release for New Company Launch
Company Name: New Company Launch
Company Mission: To bring the best products and services to our customers.
Founders/Management Team: Jack and Jill Smith, Co-Founders of New Company Launch. Jack is a serial entrepreneur with experience in marketing, sales and customer service. Jill manages operations for the company as well as handles product development tasks when needed. They live in San Francisco but plan on expanding their reach into other cities across America soon enough! For more information about how you can join our team at NCL please visit [website link].
(new company name) is a (what) that leverages the benefits of (tech/platform/system) to help (customers) address their (need).
The company provides a platform for companies to connect with customers in order to grow their audience, increase engagement and profitability. It does this by using proven methods for marketing automation, lead generation, analytics & conversion tracking. Using these tools allows each client’s team to be more productive while also improving ROI through better targeting & results-driven campaigns.
Short tagline to encapsulate the company’s mission.
The tagline is a key component of your press release for business. It should be short and memorable, so it can be used in social media posts, ads and website copy. The tagline should also be able to be used as an elevator pitch, which is why we recommend including it at the end of your press release. You don’t want to leave any confusion about what your company does or where you’re located!
Here are some other things that make for great taglines:
They’re simple enough for people outside of the industry who might not have heard about you before (but still have time on their hands) but also informative enough so they’ll remember what kind of company this is when someone asks them later down the line (which happens often). In other words: no jargon here!
They’re easy enough for even non-technical people like myself (who know nothing about coding languages) yet still convey complex concepts such as “customer service” without having anyone hold back laughter while reading through them aloud like they’re trying out different accents instead.”
The founders saw an opportunity amid the chaos in the marketplace to empower customers through a new technology that bypasses traditional distribution systems.
The founders saw an opportunity amid the chaos in the marketplace to empower customers through a new technology that bypasses traditional distribution systems. This business was founded on a mission to address an unmet need for customer empowerment, and their technology allows customers to bypass traditional distribution systems.
New Company’s introductory paragraph, including management overview and quote. Summarize the company and its mission in this paragraph. This can be taken from your “About Us” page on your website. Example: Company was founded in Summer 2019 by John Smith, CEO and Sally Jones, Director of Sales with a mission to create…”
New Company’s introductory paragraph, including management overview and quote. Summarize the company and its mission in this paragraph. This can be taken from your “About Us” page on your website. Example: Company was founded in Summer 2019 by John Smith, CEO and Sally Jones, Director of Sales with a mission to create an innovative solution for businesses looking to improve their customer experience through the use of AI technology that allows them to personalize everything from promotions and deals through email marketing campaigns while providing personalized support via chatbots or phone calls (or both).
Company Advisors include: John Sarno – CEO at [insert name here] Bethany Jones – COO at [insert name here]
Introduce investors and advisors that have guided the company’s creation. Explain who they are, what companies they have helped launch in the past, etc. Be sure to mention their credentials. Make sure these people are available for interviews or references if needed. You can link to their LinkedIn profiles or use their names as anchor text leading back to LinkedIn profiles or back to their section on your website’s About Us page. Examples: Advisors include John Sarno and Bethany Jones. Investors include Dave Doe, Jeff Doe and Jane Doe. If necessary, explain who else is involved in management other than just the founders.
Mentions the names of investors and advisors that have guided the company’s creation. Explain who they are, what companies they have helped launch in the past, etc. Be sure to mention their credentials. Make sure these people are available for interviews or references if needed. You can link to their LinkedIn profiles or use their names as anchor text leading back to LinkedIn profiles or back to their section on your website’s About Us page (if there is one). Examples: Advisors include John Sarno and Bethany Jones; Investors include Dave Doe, Jeff Doe and Jane Doe; If necessary, explain who else is involved in management other than just founders
That’s all there is to it! You’ve now got a great business press releases for your new company launch.
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