Natural Hemp Cream For Pain Relief
That were already on the market prior to the 30th of february 2020 since they could submit their doses by 31st of march 2021 and remain hemp cream on the market until judgements came through now for those just entering the market the process is significantly more difficult and will require more time however this is essential for safety and the trust in the cbd market additionally while the nova food application is a complex one it can be completed with the right help now at ifs laboratories we can provide you that help and to anyone who’s struggling.
With the novel food application now since so much of the application is focused on testing data it’s absolutely necessary to have a reliable testing facility you can depend on now ifs laboratories is a ucas accredited and has experience in all types of cbd testing making it the perfect partner because we are ucas accredited and you’ve got that accountability and you’ve got a traceability and absolutely insured basically so our expertise in cbd means that you won’t have to revise your application or have an application rejected because of incomplete information now so many nfas are passed over because they haven’t followed all the guidelines for the testing required by the fsa ifs laboratory’s extensive experience in testing cbd products and the novel food application allows us to advise you on what to test for including which tests are mandatory and which ones you should avoid now additionally we’re an independent testing lab so there’s no conflict of interest when it comes to manufacturing as a neutral third party.
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That is well versed in the cbd testing sphere we’re your guide to industry and the regulations required to enter it now since we’re a family-run business we have an open door policy and we welcome all applicants and strive to help others break um others break into this very competitive and lucrative industry now i have been working at ifs laboratories for over 12 years now and the high standard we have set is one of the reasons i was so comfortable using cbd for pain relief after giving birth now medical marijuana like all other medicine must be tested and regulated so it is safe for all and it should be accessible for all too ifs laboratories is proud to offer our services to help regulate regulate this field and ensure in its steady growth in the uk and throughout the world now the latest news from the food standards agency on the application progress progress for including cbd products in the uk novel food catalog has made most most if not all um entities worried in the industry a little bit as you may already know fsa is the government department responsible for the food safety policy hemp pain relief cream uk in england wales and northern ireland it provides guidance to ensure consistently in the enforcement of novel foods regulation so the fsa received over 800 and three non-food applications since january the 1st 2021 317 applications were passed on to the next stage with four having progressed through the validation stage onto the phase of authorization how many outstanding applications does this leave behind that’s 486 out of 486 applications