Natural Hemp Cream For Pain Relief
I”m using these long words is because a lot of times there aren’t many competition out there for uh long tailed keywords like this so what happens is that it’s a lot easier to get ranked for these types of keywords and secondly uh secondly you’re still ranking for your original hemp cream word when you’re ranking for these keywords look at all these different variations that i put in there you can keep adding if you want you can add all types of different ones but you want to keep it very close and very similar as you can see i’m already in the green over here as far as my seo is concerned and i’m going to actually make sure that all right this is written don’t worry don’t worry about that because we haven’t put the body here yet so next thing.
A Complete Guide on When to Harvest Hemp
I’m doing is i’m gonna come copy this article the whole thing i’m gonna come and i’m gonna just paste it here okay and i’m gonna read this whole article make sure that everything is right and it makes sense and it sounds good and what also another thing i’m going to do is i’m also going to make sure that i’m going to add a couple of keywords to it so my word is cbd online products sheer number of cbd products online i could actually change this with cbd products online hemp cream but you want to make sure that your main keyword is in the very first sentence so i had this blog written already for me by a freelancer and so what i’m going to do is i’m just going to update it i’m going to read it i’m going to add a couple of words to it and i’m going to make sure it makes sense as you can see.
Hemp Cream Healthy skin and Pain relief
I added the uh highlighted it i put it in bold and i also added a link back to where i want to write a link to with this with entire article and so i’m reading the whole article make sure it makes sense i’m also could add over here i could come back and say a couple of other keywords but i’m just not i’m going to continue reading this and what i’m going to do is i’m also going to add a couple of things uh to me that makes sense so let’s just go ahead and read this article and make sure it makes sense all right let me read this real quick due to the worst diversity compound see and then you can also add your keyword where you think it should have been but it was not and again you wanna highlight bold link back that’s how you get ranked you only need to do this two or three times uh and that’s about it let’s see we got another cbd online product here and then then another thing you can do is just keep reading keep reading keep reading cbd infused items hemp pain relief cream there you go you can go ahead and add this hemp cream as well and you can add these different keywords and tags in to make your stuff good see they could have easily added this here but they didn’t so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna make sure.