MySQL or MongoDB Which Database is Better for your On-Demand Delivery App?
Now let us talk a little about MySQL. Twitter, Youtube, Netflix are some top apps that use MySQL. While making any changes in the schema, the migration procedure in framework selection and backend development is necessary which may affect the performance of the app.
MongoDB’s application data can naturally map objects in the application model itself. This facilitates the developers to easily handle and maintain the MongoDB database. Also, MongoDB comes with the option of enhancing its scalability in a hassle-free manner.
From this, we cannot completely conclude that MongoDB is better than MySQL.
We will see how both the database management system fares on some parameters that are crucial to on-demand app solution success.
Speed and performance
MySQL uses multiple tables to store data and its efficiency reduces when a large amount of data is to be handled. MongoDB on the other side can handle very large volumes of data. MongoDB stores data in a single entity and any edits can be performed in a single place.
Obviously, the speed and performance while handling large data is better in MongoDB.
Here, we can break down the on-demand app solution into two areas. MySQL for small on-demand delivery startups and MongoDB for the multi-region online restaurant. Read more at the food delivery app database