Metal Corner Brackets
We will need to fasten them together so installing our button Metal Corner Brackets head screw take your extrusion with the clearance holes in it line them up and then use your allen key to tighten the screw which will hold the two extrusions together so what I like to do is get them relatively and then use a square edge to ensure that they are flushed to each other we need to do the final tightening now if you find your hole is not lining up perfectly you can open it a bit the size doesn’t have to be perfect you just want to make sure you don’t remove too much material from the extrusion and weaken it so there is room to use a bigger drill if you’re unsure about your hole placement and Sepp doesn’t line up now once the button head screw is tight it is a surprisingly strong joint and as long as your extrusions are cut straight which if you order from.
We are the reputable brand or you have the tooling to do it yourself it is a very square joint as well as you can see now if you are not using Masumi profile if you’re using for example of this profile that is commonly found from China the center hole is for a six millimeter screw not a five millimeter screw so you will have to tap it and order six millimeter screws but it does work exactly the same way so you will have to drill a larger clearance hole for the allen key and you will have to get an m6 tap and order m6 screws to tap and fasten them together but they are functionally the same thank you for watching as always if you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments below don’t forget to join the boron discord at 4 on design comm the community there is growing and is full of helpful people.
That will help you with any questions you have during Metal Corner Brackets your building and we do have a great community there don’t forget to like and subscribe to this video if you do like to see more content such as this and other projects that I am working on thank you for joining me today as always be safe out there wash your hands and have a great day thank youwelcome to nephtalk live i’m kerry davis and today we’re going to be exploring 80 20 aluminum extrusion along with some common fastening methods and how they can easily work for your next project today i’m joined by chris cook one of our neff solution specialists he’s going to show us some simple fastening methods for 80 20. thanks carrie so as kerry mentioned all i really want to get into today is some of the more common fasting practices that we offer through 80 20. and kind of get into some details so that you can figure out which which fastener is going to be best for your application and we’re going to show.