Metal Corner Brackets
That everyone’s looking for I wasn’t shooting Metal Corner Brackets for that and just trying to drag this along this is gonna get powder-coated the powder coat is going to you know it’s thick so it’s gonna hide not hide but it’s gonna cover up these welds pretty good and I’ll show you a shot here of what it looks like all done you see some nozzle dip right there from weld a then on the bottom left I’ve been using that that’s the CRC product works really good especially keeps us battered down inside the nozzle no a handy stuff to have you know this is any chance I can get to be able to have something on my welding table that I didn’t don’t have to bend down on my knees or get all crazy to do welding is really good for me and you know this is really nice the table is that a good heights right here.
It makes it easy for me to work which which I enjoy it makes my production a little bit quicker and easier and keeps my back from getting sore from Ben and over in these awkward positions sometimes all right so that’s what they look like cleaned him up a little bit that’s probably as much as I’m going to do right there I’m gonna get this over to the powder coater and and hopefully that’ll that’ll uh well cover those up pretty good all right so now we’re on to the the side posts of the mounting posts at least the the part that’s going to get mounted to this case a block wall on both sides this is what its going to hinge front of this was gonna latch to my my plan was to keep the these posts thinner than the frame themselves so I just wanted to fill that space with the gate more than I did the the posts so this is some 1 by 3 flat bar stock.
This is 120 wall thickness as well you can see that I just put Metal Corner Brackets an end cap on this I put caps on just that on these posts I put caps on the top part only the bottom part I leave open I just converted over to these new Sharpie dual I’m not certain when to call dual point you get a fine point on one side and a medium point on the other I’ve been using the medium point forever and you over a period of time those things flatten out and they get fat and they get hard to get an accurate point at least this this little fine point works really good it gives me a nice fine fine little touch right there I’ve got this on about a multiple multiple pack of those on Amazon alright so this is the way I do these things I’ve been doing it for a little couple years now and when I’m installing post this is an inch and an eighth hole saw and I drill.