Major 8 Motives Why Training Providers Are Adopting eLearning
1. Client Demand: The provider’s clientele have started demanding eLearning solutions (and training providers would like to retain them). This can be a pure survival and development reason. Undoubtedly, within the present financial predicament there’s a Massive push for training companies to move towards eLearning. Get extra information about
2. Cost of Training Delivery: To cut down cost of delivery for training companies and their clients. This is pointed out universally and has come into focus much more as a result of the recession exactly where budgetary constraints (in particular on travel) have impacted the off-take of classroom training in significant way
3. Flexibility: Improve flexibility of access (anytime, anyplace). Most training companies mention it is becoming tricky to pull employees out of their jobs for 2-5 day instructor-led sessions. With managers forced to do extra with significantly less people (many organizations have retrenched people) letting anyone off for even a day can develop into challenging.
4. Enhance delivery options: Blended learning options to cater towards the one of a kind requirements of distinct customers. Some want much more eLearning and some want much less of it, others want mobile learning. This aids training providers reach client companies who otherwise had not been in a position to afford their classroom training – opening up a new stream of business.
5. Increase efficiency: Improve efficiency & effectiveness of instructor led training with technology enabled components. Adding pre-workshop eLearning modules, post-workshop eLearning sessions (can be synchronous), mobile learning components for follow-ups that help improve retention. Using technology such as ARS (Audience Response Systems) in classrooms & providing collaborative environments can create learning opportunities for users. As training providers, they choose to make their courses the ‘best in class’ using technology enabled learning affords them that opportunity.
6. Learning Management: Making management of reporting easier and be in a position to check off some important checkboxes (guess more relevant to compliance type training). As the paradigm shifts, Learning Management Systems will change and focus would be on truly managing learning and not just checkbox compliance.
7. It is better now: ELearning has improved since the time they last considered it. There’s NO doubt about this; eLearning has come a long way. The addition of games, simulations, mobile based learning, social learning frameworks, collaborative tools and much more has come to instructional technology. Rather than simple page-turners the industry is slowly turning to provide instructional experiences, both interactive and online.
8. Am I late: Don’t desire to miss the boat. Well none of our prospects said this but it seems to be the overriding feeling amongst training providers. All of them realize that the days of classroom-training only are limited and they’d better start now.