Low Back Pain : Symptoms, Reasons and Treatment | Manipal Hospitals
The lower back part supports upper body weight. The lower back comprises several components that, in perfect coordination, provide the required movement or sitting posture. These components include muscles, intervertebral discs, the spine, and nerves. Disruption in the anatomical and functional status of any of these components results in low back pain.
Low back pain is a common reason due to which people miss their work or visit a doctor. The low back prevalence is around 7.5%, and 577 million people were suffering from this condition in 2017. Females have a higher prevalence than males. The low back pain prevalence increases with age.
Low back pain intensity may significantly vary from dull, persistent ache to a sudden, shooting pain. The pain may be chronic or acute.
Patients with low back pain experience its symptoms in several ways, such as:
Dull pain limited only to lower back
Burning or stinging pain that spreads to the thighs or lower feet. The patients may also experience numbness.
Patients may also experience pain after standing or sitting for long
Muscular tightness or spasm in the pelvic region, thighs or hips.
A problem in walking, standing straight or changing position from sitting to standing
The patient’s range of motion becomes limited.
Visit Manipal Hospital for Low Back Pain Treatment in Old Airport Road, Bangalore.
Some of the causes of lower back pain are:
Disk abnormalities: Discs are present in the vertebra that act as cushions. The disc may tear or bulge from the original position resulting in a reduced cushioning effect. It may lead to back pain.
Fracture: Lower back pain may also be due to a fracture in the spine. Some conditions, such as osteoporosis, increase the risk of fractures.
Sprains and strains: Torn ligaments (sprains), a tear in the muscles or tendons (strains), or sudden muscle contraction (spasm) may also cause lower back pain.
Joint disorders: Joint disorders also increase the risk of lower back pain. These include osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Congenital conditions: Several congenital conditions increase the risk of lower back pain. These are spine curvature (scoliosis), abnormal lower back arch (lordosis), or excessive spinal arch outwards (kyphosis).
Neurological problems: Some neurological problems may also cause lower back pain. These are spinal stenosis, sciatica, cauda equina syndrome and herniated disc.
Other underlying conditions: Other conditions such as tumours, fibromyalgia, kidney stones, endometriosis, and pregnancy may also cause lower back pain.
Several factors increase the risk of lower back pain. These are:
Age (between 30 and 50 years)
People with poor physical fitness. It is always advised to consult with a Spine Surgeon in Bangalore for such people.
Overweight or obese
People with poor mental health with persistent anxiety and depression
Overload bags of kids
Factors related to the job such as constant pushing, pulling or lifting heavy weights.
The doctor may diagnose the lower back pain through several tests such as:
Blood tests: The doctor may advise the test to rule out specific causes such as inflammation, tumour, infection, or arthritis.
Discography: In this test, the doctor injects a dye into the disc, which the doctor thinks is causing the symptoms. The doctor can view the damaged part through a CT scan.
Electrodiagnostics: The doctor evaluates the problem in nerves in the legs and back through this test. The tests include nerve conduction studies, electromyography, and evoked potential studies.
Bone scans: The doctor may also advise bone scans to determine the presence of infection, tumour or fractures. The doctor may inject the radioactive material to generate the images through the scanner.
Imaging tests: Various imaging tests may also help determine the cause of lower back pain. The imaging techniques include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), x-ray, and computerized tomography (CT). All these facilities make Manipal the Best Spine Hospital in Bangalore.
Several treatments are available for lower back pain. The treatment depends upon whether it is acute or chronic and pain severity. Some of the treatment modalities for low back pain are:
Medications: The doctor prescribes medications to provide relief from lower back pain. These medications may be oral or topical. Some medicines include NSAIDs, opioids and antidepressants (for chronic low back pain).
Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy strengthens the muscles and provides faster recovery from low back pain. It enhances spine support.
Injections: When oral or topical medicines do not provide relief, the doctor may advise steroidal injection to reduce inflammation and pain.
Surgery: The doctor generally recommends the surgery to correct the anatomical abnormalities, such as scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis. The surgery also includes spinal fusion, denervation, and artificial disc replacement.