Loss of Appetite – Causes and Remedy
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We all know food to be the fuel for the body, which means we get the energy to do all our tasks from food. However, there may come times when you feel like not eating anything! This is a worrisome condition but not non-curable.
You must know why you sometimes feel like skipping all your meals as it only helps you treat the condition better. Let us tell you that the problem can be easily solved by taking a natural appetite booster. In this article, we will list down the possible reasons for the loss of appetite and ways through which you will be able to maintain your appetite.
Reasons for Loss of Appetite:
Different people suffer from loss of appetite due to different reasons. However, they all face some health consequences due to not eating correctly, making it important to recognize and treat the underlying reason for the lack of interest in food.
One of the prime reasons for loss of appetite is the improper functioning of the liver. The liver, as it is well known, is an important organ in the body that is responsible for ensuring the proper digestion of food. If the liver, due to not functioning well, is not able to contribute to the digestion of food, it is imperative that a loss of appetite will occur. Further, the food in the body which is undigested will rot and cause more problems. The viral infections also cause loss of appetite as the functioning of various organs slows down due to these infections.
Other than the above mentioned reasons, an individual may temporarily lose their appetite due to one of the following reasons:
Common cold
Food poisoning
Indigestion or other digestive issues
Hormonal imbalance
Diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, Addison’s disease (it is a hormonal condition), AIDS, HIV, and poor heart conditions can cause loss of appetite in the longer term.
The most common cause of loss of appetite is when the liver does not function properly. The food you eat stays longer in the body if your liver does not produce digestive juices in the proper amounts causing the food to not get digested properly.
If you feel none of the reasons justifies why you lost your appetite, it can be due to some psychological reason like depression or grief, and you can very well use a natural appetite booster.
Treatment and Remedies
As it is brought out that improper functioning of the liver is one of the prime reasons for loss of appetite, let’s discuss the ayurvedic options which can assist in boosting liver functioning. You can try taking SAVLIV Drops by Harshul Ayur Pharma, which act as a natural appetite booster and a liver stimulant. The appetite booster is prepared by following the ayurvedic practices and processes which have ingredients used in ayurvedic medicines since ancient times and are tested for their high medical values besides safety and efficacy.
Why SAVLIV Drops as a Natural Appetite Booster?
The traditional herbal-mineral recipe of SAVLIV is a fast-acting powerful hepatic stimulant. It increases the functional capacity of the liver, accelerates cellular metabolic activity, and promotes regeneration. It has been reported to bring remarkable improvement in appetite within 15-30 minutes of its administration, gain in body weight and enhance the feeling of well-being in the management of malnutrition.
The ingredients of the formulation are not new and have been used traditionally for the preparation of Ayurvedic medicine since the days of Charaka and Sushuruta (roughly since 2000 BC). These ingredients have been reported to be useful in curing loss of appetite, indigestion, abdominal dropsy, intestinal worms, mucus cough, asthma, sour bile, and other ailments. They have also been found useful in strengthening the digestive fire. Due to the high medicinal values of the ingredients of SAVLIV, it is one of the most effective options for appetite/digestion-related problems. Further, SAVLIV has the following qualifications and properties which make it unique in this field:-
1. SAVLIV is patented and has been tested for its efficacy, safety, and high medicinal values through modern scientific research and studies.
2. SAVLIV is free from synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, steroids, and aflatoxins and contains no artificial flavor or colorant.
3. SAVLIV is rich in Polyphenols, Tannins, and Flavonoids; which are powerful natural antioxidants, which help in reducing free radical stress in the body and removing toxins.
4. The formulation has been proven safe for long-term use.
Thousands of patients have benefitted from SAVLIV Drops while negotiating the problem of loss of appetite. The formulation boosts up liver functioning and thereby helps in maintaining a good appetite. You must use this unique formulation to maintain a good appetite, a healthy liver, and thus ensure a healthy life.