LLC Name Examples
Choosing the perfect name for your LLC is one of the most important decisions you will make. A good name will help you build a strong brand and dominate your market.
Whether you are a new business owner or an established company looking to expand, the right name is essential for success. Thankfully, our free LLC Name Generator makes it easy to find the perfect name for your business.
Company Names
Companies use names to represent their products and services, provide information about themselves to the public, and tell a story. Examples include Amazon, SiriusXM, and Red Bull.
The best company names are rooted in history, culture and the imagination. They are evocative, suggestive and memorable, according to Alexandra Watkins of Eat My Words.
A name is a key element in the creation of brand identity, so it is important to choose a name that will be appropriate for your business and be recognizable to consumers.
In choosing a name, consider the legal requirements of your state. For example, an LLC must include “LLC” in its name to be distinguishable from other entity names on record with your secretary of state.
Some states also require the inclusion of other identifiers in the name to make it easier for the public to recognize and identify the entity. These identifiers include “Incorporated,” “Corporation,” and “LLC.”
Business Names
A good business name is a combination of words that convey your company’s benefits in a memorable way and are easy to say. For example, if you are known for offering high-quality, bespoke items, use descriptors like “custom” or “best.”
A distinctive business name will help your customers easily find you online. It should also be able to translate to a domain name (e.g., so you can set up a website.
Most states will reject your LLC name if it’s too similar to another business name. The best way to avoid this is by searching for possible trade and corporate names before you file your LLC.
For more information, check out SuperPages and the Thomas Register of Products and Services to see if any businesses are using your desired name. You can do this for free. It’s worth the effort to make sure you have a unique and memorable LLC name that will grow with your business.
Corporate Names
Whether you are forming an LLC or corporation, choosing the right name is an important part of establishing your business identity. Corporate names are often the first impression a customer has of your brand, and they can set you apart from your competition.
While naming your company is one of the most exciting parts of starting a business, it’s also crucial to make sure you choose a name that meets state requirements. If you do not, you could face problems when attempting to register the company.
Most states have a list of required and prohibited words that must be used in an LLC or corporation name. Words like “bank,” “trust,” and “insurance” are not acceptable unless legally authorized by the proper government agency.
Using your personal name in an LLC can be fine, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your ability to expand the business. However, if you plan to grow and hire employees, a name that references your personal name may confuse clients who expect to interact with only you.
Business Name Examples
A business name can be one of the most important decisions you make when starting a company. It influences a customer’s first impression of your brand, and sets you apart from competitors.
A great business name should reflect your company’s purpose, vision, mission and target audience. It should also convey the benefits of your products or services and create a strong brand identity.
It should also be a name that is easily searchable and memorable. Using alliteration, rhyming, and other creative strategies can help you come up with a name that will stick in the minds of your customers.
A business name can be a little bit more tricky than choosing a domain name or social media handle for your new LLC. The state in which you plan to register your LLC will need to verify that no one else is already using your desired company name.