Letting God Take the Lead to Make You a Better Leader
Leading is done for the community’s good and to bring it together. A leader serves as the conduit between the community and the Almighty. It is crucial for a leader to comprehend God and His will. A leader inspires followers to serve God and the common good because God has provided sufficient examples and qualities to help one become a great leader.
The purpose of PLI leadership is to raise communal knowledge of God. They are preparing for leadership roles and want to serve the neighborhood. Making our names recognized is not the goal of leadership. It’s about spreading the word of God, being able to love and respect the people under our care, and exercising the power that has been entrusted to us in a gracious manner. Let’s look at some of the ways that God may help and direct you to become a better leader.
Ways God Can Help to Make a Better Leader
Being a Servant
Leadership requires service, according to what Jesus said. We may use this useful knowledge in our daily life. In our current culture, believer-leaders who followed God’s command to serve and love others have played a significant role in popularizing the concept of servant leadership.
Integrity is possibly the most crucial trait for a servant leader. It serves as the cornerstone upon which all other leadership attributes are constructed. Our behaviors should be consistent with our beliefs because Jesus invites us to walk in the ways of righteousness and fairness. If we are sincere servant leaders, we cannot use deceit, deception, and manipulation to gain power. Being honest is what we are asked to do, something very unusual and totally against the grain.
You must adorn yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience because God selected you to be the holy people He loves. Jesus lived His entire life by these principles; thus, it is crucial for the leaders to adopt them in order to walk in His footsteps. If we are not careful, we may develop arrogance since it is simple to grow dependent on the authority and power that come with leadership positions. Since we are aware of the dignity and worth of the people we lead, Christian leadership requires us to be open to listening to and learning from them. A leader is someone who has created room for themself to benefit from the knowledge and insights of others.
Godly leaders are adaptable; They are willing to change as necessary to fit their circumstances and surroundings. They are aware that life might provide them with unforeseen circumstances or difficulties. But servant leaders understand that God is present in every situation, so they don’t let those unexpected circumstances trigger rage, perplexity, or terror. They are prepared to put flexibility into practice and proactively welcome change. It might be simple to become stuck in old habits and a single method of operating. But in order to effectively lead others, a servant leader must be able to see change for what it is—an opportunity for development and faith.
Only by looking to Jesus can we experience resilience in the Christian life. We will always fall short if we rely solely on our own abilities and power; we will give up in the middle of the race. A trait that develops when you practice spiritual endurance to the point where you thrive under pressure. God’s continual presence gives us consolation in the face of life’s difficulties. He doesn’t always make our situation better, and sometimes the answer doesn’t come when we want, but He will always support us in getting through with love, strength, patience, and other qualities.
Being Selfless
Consider others before yourself while making decisions, as the Lord did. By demonstrating your real concern for your followers’ well-being, you will earn their respect and appreciation. Lead with the intention of enhancing the lives of others rather than leading for your own benefit or recognition. Only then can you truly capture the interest of your followers and hope that they embrace you as their leader. It is impossible to become a successful leader by following your own interests or those of others.
Speak Love and Truth
Let the Holy Spirit direct your movements, decisions, and speech. Speak the truth in humility, gentleness, and love; the truth won’t transform people’s lives until then. Additionally, it’s critical to listen with compassion and love. To demonstrate their concern and provide helpful criticism, leaders must master the extraordinary art of listening. Be a leader who leads with love in whatever you do.
Learn from Jesus, the World’s Best Leader
The fulfillment of your followers must be your first priority as a leader, just like it was for Jesus. The goal of leadership is to uplift others under your care, not to brag about how terrific you are. Without needlessly pressuring others, you may be fully conscious of your position as a leader. If necessary, be prepared to provide services for your followers to demonstrate that your top priority is their success. They’ll show you their respect, loyalty, and trust in return.
The greatest way to achieve this is to set an example, just as Jesus always allowed His deeds to speak louder than words. PLI aids a leader in seeking the path mapped forth by God to improve as a leader. Call PLI for additional information.