Learn More About Agricultural Sprayer Price, Applications & More
Agricultural power sprayer machine is a type of farming and landscaping equipment and is used to spray liquids like water, insecticides, and pesticides. They can also be used to spray herbicides and fertilizers on various crops in agricultural farming.
Pesticides play a significant role in the agricultural industry, and keeping control over them to maintain crop health is absolutely necessary. Almost all farmers neglect sprayer prices, as these are indispensable agricultural tools needed for a variety of farming tasks during a crop production cycle.
Agricultural sprayers are available in various sizes and types, ranging from hand-held machines and manual sprayers to mounted sprayers and powered sprayers. Using these sprayers improves crop productivity. Furthermore, these sprays are also used for diffusing pesticides, fungicides, pyrethrins, etc. Farmers are choosing power sprayers for their agricultural use as they offer more productivity in lesser time.
Agricultural Sprayer Prices, Applications & More
Most Common Uses of Agricultural Sprayers
Farmers in India have a practice of traditional farming process, so they get less production every year. But with changes in time, farmers have started using modern machinery including agricultural sprayers to help increase their productivity and their earnings as well. Smart farmers are making good profits by adopting new cultivation tools, and they understand that a sprayer price may be high, but know that it will ultimately help them increase their earnings.
Here are some of the common uses of an agricultural sprayer:
Use of Liquid Fertilizer: It is most appropriate for dry land. Here the sprayer is parked with liquid fertilizer and can be specified to target a specific crop. It ensures less wastage of liquid to the winds or evaporation. Moreover, this type of sprayer is good for healthy crop growth and ensures early rooting, along with maintaining its main purpose to supply crops with all nutrients.
For Spraying Water: This water sprayer is used to spray water on plants and can also be used to clean animals. It helps in keeping the plants well hydrated. There are high-pressure sprayers that can be used over small areas for irrigation. Also, these sprayers can be used before crops are harvested to spray with fresh water and clean any chemical deposits left behind. Farmers also use these sprayers to cool livestock in hot weather.
For Spraying Fungicides: Farmers use hand sprayers to control fungi, blight, and rusts. These all are plants’ worst enemies and lower crop production. Moreover, parasite fungi can affect animals as well. Most hand sprayers provide the best results when used with fungicides containing Sulphur, as they control fungi affecting the leaves.
Help Pest Control: Sprayers are one of the most efficient gadgets when we talk of controlling pests. Pesticides available in the market are mixed with water and then sprayed on the infested areas of the plants. With highly infested plants, spraying can be done more frequently. Farmers also use these pesticides on their livestock to kill ticks and other dangerous pests. People can also use them in their homes to get rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, reptiles, and other household bugs.
To Spray Herbicides: Farmers can control unwanted vegetation with the help of these sprayers. They mix the right amount of herbicide with water and spray it over the unwanted vegetation that finally dries in a few days. The selective herbicides can also be administered in a proper way using a sprayer.
Types of Sprayers and Sprayer Price
There are a number of sprayers available in the market. These can be divided into different categories according to sprayer price, or as per their designs. Some most common types of sprayers suitable for small to larger lands are listed below:
1. Knapsack Sprayers
These are convenient machines used for various spraying purposes with the help of a hand-held nozzle, connected to a tank that is carried on the operator’s back. There are three variants of knapsack sprayers, viz. battery operated, manual, and battery cum manual model.
Kisankraft 18L Knapsack Sprayer Manual Cum Battery, KK-BBS-318
2. Portable Power Sprayers
Portable power sprayers can be operated by electric or through petrol engines. These are mostly without a chemical tank, as the chemical is supplied through a hosepipe and stored externally. These types of sprayers are usually good for large land coverage.
Xtra Power Portable Engine Power Sprayer Omega 35
3. Knapsack Power Sprayers
They have a motor engine and can be operated using petrol. They are available as 2-stroke and 4-stroke engine variants and have a separate chemical tank along with handheld spray nozzles. These types are a bit costly when compared to portable sprayers. Check for Honda 4-stroke power sprayer price here.
Kisankraft Farmboy 25L 1HP 4 Stroke Knapsack Power Sprayer FB-KPS-804
4. Mist Dust Sprayers
It is a different kind of knapsack power sprayer that can be used to spray liquid chemicals in mist form. Many farmers also use this sprayer to spray urea in granule form. This sprayer is ideal for quick spraying operations.
5. HTP Sprayer
This is a horizontal triple piston pump containing a brass head. It is mainly used for high spraying purposes and when uniform spraying is required. It is a multi-purpose sprayer for commercial or agricultural usage.
Neptune Red HTP/Tractor Mounted Sprayer, HTP Gold Plus
If you are looking to buy a good sprayer online, consider IndustryBuying. You can choose from a variety of knapsacks here. The sprayers are time-tested and are designed keeping industry parameters in mind. No matter the type of sprayer you are searching for, you can be rest assured to get a sprayer at wholesale rates on Industry Buying.