Know More About Psoriasis Treatment | Dr Nivedita Dadu
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes the formation of thick, pink, or red patches of skin covered with white or silvery scales on the affected areas of the skin. The thick and scaly patches are known as plaques. Plaque psoriasis is one the most common type of psoriasis. About 80-90% of people around the world suffer from plaque psoriasis. People of any age or gender can get psoriasis. Psoriasis can make a person uncomfortable, itchy, and self-conscious. The plaques connect and cover a large area of the body, in severe cases. Psoriasis may affect the elbows, knees, face, scalp, fingernails, toenails, genitals, lower back, palms, and feet. Symptoms of psoriasis include itchiness, cracked skin, dry skin, scaly scalp, pitted or cracked or crumble nail, and joint pain. Dr. Nivedita Dadu is one of the Best Psoriasis Doctors in Delhi who provides the best treatment and measures to manage this patchy skin autoimmune condition.
Types of psoriasis:
- Inverse psoriasis appears in skin folds. It may look like thin rosy plaques without any scales.
- Guttate psoriasis may appear after a sore throat. It may look like small, red, drop-shaped scaly spots in children and young adults.
- Pustular psoriasis they appear as small, pus-filled bumps on top of the red patches or plaques on the skin.
- Sebopsoriasis appears on the face and scalp as red bumps and plaques with a greasy yellow scale.
Based on the type of Psoriasis, its severity, patient age, and comorbidities, Dr. Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic provides various psoriasis treatments like topical treatments, oral medications, Phototherapy, Excimer laser to help diminish this skin problem. The best psoriasis treatment is provided by Dr. Nivedita Dadu, skin doctor in Delhi after proper analysis of the skin and root cause detection:
Topical therapy
Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids medications are used for treating mild to moderate psoriasis. They are available as lotions, creams, gels, sprays, and rinses. Mild corticosteroid ointments are prescribed for sensitive areas, such as the face, and for treating widespread patches. Stronger corticosteroid ointments are prescribed for smaller or less-sensitive or tougher-to-treat areas.
Vitamin D analogs: Calcitriol and synthetic forms of vitamin D are prescribed to slow skin cell growth. This drug may be used alone or with topical corticosteroids.
Retin-oids: Some reti-noids are available as a gel and cream. The most common side effects are skin irritation and increased sensitivity to light. Hence, must be taken after consulttaion from a dermatologist to achieve safe results.
Calcineurin inhibitors: Calcineurin inhibitors help reduce inflammation and plaque buildup. They can be helpful in areas of thin skin, such as around the eyes. Calcineurin inhibitors are not recommended to pregnant or breastfeeding women. This drug is not intended for the long term.
Salicylic acid: Salicylic acid solutions reduce the scaling of scalp psoriasis. It may be used alone or with other medications to enhance the ability to penetrate the skin.
Light therapy – Light therapy, either alone or in combination with medications is a first-line treatment for moderate to severe psoriasis.
Phototherapy: Controlled doses of phototherapy from an artificial ultraviolet light source can treat single patches, widespread psoriasis, and psoriasis that do not improve with topical treatments. Short-term side effects might include soreness, skin itching, and dryness.
UVB narrowband: UVB narrowband light therapy might be more effective than UVB broadband treatment. It is usually administered two or three times a week until the skin improves and then less frequently for maintenance therapy. To know more about light therapy for psoriasis in Delhi, contact the expert skin doctor at Dr. Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic.
Psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA): This treatment involves taking a light-sensitizing drug (psoralen) before exposure to UVA light. UVA light penetrates deeper into the skin than UVB light, and psoralen makes the skin more responsive to UVA exposure. This treatment improves skin and is used for severe cases of psoriasis.
Excimer laser: A strong UVB light targets only the affected skin with this form of light therapy. Excimer laser therapy requires fewer sessions than does traditional phototherapy because more powerful UVB light is used.
To get the Best Doctor for Skin Treatment in Delhi, NCR visit Dr. Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic.