Key Trends in Augmented Reality Advertisement
The marketing and advertising worlds have in the last few years witnessed a huge revolution. Today, we see brands taking on Augmented Reality advertisement as the new way to reach their target customers and prospects. Through application of AR in advertisement, brands are able to provide their target customers unique and engaging experiences that combine real and virtual interactive elements. The emerging trend is transforming the marketing and advertisements game, and quickly becoming the key choice for B2C and B2B companies.
According to Tech Injury, there will be 1.73 Billion AR users on mobile by 2024. The same report indicates that AR users fall into the 16-34 age group. In addition, 7-% of consumers believe AR will benefit them in some way.
Therefore, it is clear that businesses need to invest in AR, as a key technology that will result in business transformation. Like any other technology, AR is evolving quickly, and it is important that organizations study the current trends in order to anticipate what the future holds.
In this post, we examine augmented reality advertisement. We will cover the key trends in augmented reality advertisement, and explain how you can take on AR in advertising.