Is your lack of climate action hindering your talent recruitment?
Is your lack of climate action hindering your talent recruitment?
The short answer is yes according to 10 HR experts (including me).
Here’s a synopsis of the points raised in this @Smart Company article by: @Stephen Moir of @Moir Group, @Hereta McMullin of @Third Space, @Nick Tucker of @We are Unity, @Aaron McEwan of @Gartner, @Christopher Ouizeman of @Drake International Australia, @Jessica Bilston-Gourley of Positive HR, @Steve Grace of @The Nudge Group, @Teresa Romanovsky of Careers for Purpose and @Cameron Shepherd of @Shape HR,
🔹 If a company isn’t looking to address climate change, it’s very hard to attract good people.
🔹 In a time where finding(and keeping) great talent is so competitive, businesses are shooting themselves in the foot by not taking a stance on sustainability and climate change.
🔹 Smart companies will include sustainability/climate action as one of their core business values — and they will also back this up with action.
🔹 The key to being a responsible employer is to be authentic.
🔹 Businesses who are late to the climate action party simply won’t have access to the diversity of talent as those who are proactive in this space.
#futureofwork #climatechange #climateaction #recruiting #recruitment