Is Dr Manju Akhand the Best Bolingbrook IL Pediatrician?
Dr. Manju Akhand is a developmental- behavioral pediatrician
Dr. Manju Akhand is a developmental behavioral pediatrician who practices in Berwyn, Illinois. He is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area and has been in practice for over 20 years. You can check if he accepts your health insurance by contacting his office.
A developmental behavioral pediatrician specializes in the physical and mental health of children. These pediatricians have extensive training and have passed exams that cover pediatric illnesses and disorders. They care for patients from birth through adolescence. Their role is to manage both physical and mental health, and provide education about health issues that are common in childhood.
Dr. Manju Akhand does not offer telehealth services
If you’re in search of a Bolingbrook, IL pediatrician, Dr. Manju Akhand might be able to help. She is affiliated with several area hospitals and has been practicing medicine for over 20 years. You can contact her office to verify if she accepts your insurance plan.
Pediatricians specialize in the physical, mental, and behavioral health of children. They have extensive training and have passed multiple exams related to childhood diseases. They provide health education, physical examinations, and vaccinations. They also make sure that children are meeting developmental milestones. You may want to consider a pediatrician if your child has symptoms of a serious illness.
Dr. Manju Akhand received less money than a majority of pediatricians nationally
While a majority of pediatricians receive some form of compensation from medical companies, Dr. Manju Akhand has received less than this average. This is in contrast to more than half of her colleagues, who receive more than three times as much. Some of these payments have been small, such as food at conferences, and others are large, such as consulting fees or royalties for specific drugs. While these types of payments are not necessarily concerning, patients should discuss them with their pediatrician. Moreover, the amount she received was not much lower than the average, which means that she’s still receiving less than most pediatricians nationally.
Pediatricians specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of child health issues. Their job is to manage the physical, mental, and behavioral health of children. They undergo extensive training and pass specialized exams related to childhood diseases. In addition to diagnosing childhood illnesses, pediatricians help parents and caregivers stay informed about their children’s health. Moreover, pediatricians monitor and provide vaccinations, and ensure that children meet developmental milestones for their age.
Dr. Manju Akhand is an independent medical practitioner
Dr. Manju Akhand is a board-certified pediatrician who practices at Access Pediatrics in Berwyn, Illinois. She earned her medical degree from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and has been practicing medicine for over 20 years. Patients can call her office to confirm her availability and check for her insurance coverage.