Intellectual Patent Lawyer India & Intellectual Property Law Firms in Delhi
A patent lawyer across the world has a sound understanding of the legal intricacies, policies, rules, and regulations of the IPR world. In India, it is no different. A patent lawyer in India is a thoroughly knowledgeable person in IPR laws, including trademarks, copyright, patents, and other aspects. It is not just important to be well-versed with the legal aspect; IPR lawyers must also understand the technical details. To top it, the lawyer must have an eye for details, be particularly attentive, and have the aptitude to negotiate flawlessly with the opposition party during litigations.
There are many intellectual property law firms in Delhi. While you expect a law firm to be well-equipped to handle and protect your work from being infringed or stolen, it is only lawyers specialized in IPR that can offer the best services. Going ahead with patent or copyright filing on your own is not a very sound decision because of the nitty-gritty involved in the application process. Additionally, when there are infringement cases, it is highly unlikely that you can fight the case or get optimal financial profits for your innovation. With an expert patent lawyer in India, though, you can relax and be stress-free, for you have experts working to protect your innovation.
Filing for a patent application in India, for example, can seem easy. There are many resources online, including videos, blogs, and articles that can help you during the process. But, as mentioned earlier, a patent lawyer in India would act as your guide, helping you go through the process with impeccable precision.
For example, the patent filing process requires multiple documents. The details of these documents are easily available, and you do not have to dwell upon them in greater detail, but some of them are not common knowledge. You probably get to know only when you speak to an expert. Take the case of the certified copy of the priority document. It is required for the National Phase application and should be submitted within thirty-one months of the priority date. When submitting convention applications, the same certified copy need not be presented if the IPO does not request for the same. If the organization does, you need to submit it within three months from the date you receive the IPO communication. Similarly, there are many other documents and intricate steps that no one will educate you about except for intellectual property law firms in Delhi.