How You Can Preserve Your Refrigerator Food For Much Longer
Buying a refrigerator is more or less done to store and preserve food for a long time. While the appliance should be equipped enough to do the job, there are things owners can do to ensure maximum preservation. Read our tips below and use them as a guide the next time you have some food you want to save for another day.
Use an effective refrigerator
A refrigerator that is better designed to store food long-term is ideal for lengthening a food item’s life. Such an appliance must have features that keep your food from going bad too quickly and retain each item’s vitamins and minerals. A Beko HarvestFresh refrigerator should do just the trick, as it has a built-in 24-hour sun cycle simulation to preserve not just the food but the nutrients in it. You’re sure to enjoy healthier, more nutritious food for a longer period of time if you invest in an effective Beko fridge.
Handle leftovers properly
Now that you have a good appliance in your possession, you need to have a system for storing your leftovers. Make sure you consume the ones stored first to avoid food from going bad. Keep them in containers to prevent them from cooling too slowly. Also, check if the fridge’s temperature is at an ideal 40°F or below. Aside from these, you need to know which types of leftovers can and cannot be stored. For starters, storing leftovers from a can latch onto other food items and make them taste metallic.
Store food in their designated areas
Greatist had developed a comprehensive diagram on where to put certain food in the refrigerator. Merely stocking them with no care can shorten the shelf life of specific items, defeating the purpose of a refrigerator for preservation. Not to mention that overloading the appliance can cause problems in its operation.
For instance, those that don’t spoil as quickly are placed near the door, as the warmth coming from this area can make food go bad if they’re particularly sensitive. For the upper shelves, this is where food that doesn’t need cooking – leftovers included – is placed. This is due to the temperatures on the top shelves being more consistent. On the other hand, the lower shelves are the coldest, so dairy, raw meat, eggs, seafood, etc., are placed there. Remember that raw meat should have its container and should be kept in its store wrapping to avoid cross-contamination.
As for other areas, crispers are for fruits and vegetables. Always make sure they’re separated to avoid the release of ethylene from ripening and quickening the life span of the other produce. Finally, freezers are for the items that need freezing, such as frozen produce and meat.
Preserved food is a lifesaver for various reasons, from providing meals when you don’t have the time to cook to helping you save money by buying new food all the time. By following the tips above, you can maximize your refrigerator’s capacity and preserve more items for you and your family to consume for a longer period.