How Traditional Acupuncture Help You Improve Your Osteopathic Treatment?
Dry needling or acupuncture in Runaway Bay is a well-known treatment for chronic musculoskeletal problems like joint paints, back pain, golfer’s elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more. The modern medical science has also understood the importance of acupuncture and all experts believe that acupuncture can work well along with other osteopathy medicines for joint manipulation treatment in Queensland and others. Let us shed some light on it here.
When someone has been experiencing repeated injuries or long healing after an injury or someone has been forced to withdraw from the physical activity for longer than you expected, acupuncture can help.
Muscles in our body play a vital role in keeping us healthy. Muscles are responsible to produce power but tendons transmit the power to allow us so that we can perform any physical activity easily. Tendons are responsible to connecting the muscles with their bones. When we face an injury, the connection is somehow lost and when we are not able to heal the injury properly, we are keep suffering repeated injuries.
Role of connective tissues and immune system in healing
When the injury we faced is not too serious, our life gets back on track easily and we regain our body’s vitality within a week or two. In some other cases, our immune system creates an inflammatory process, which is nothing but our body’s way of repairing damaged tissues.
That said, both our tendons and immune system belong to one of our primary tissues that is called connective tissue. It is very interesting to know what happens when tendon healing takes more than the required time or there are repeated injuries to that tendon.
What happens during this time is that our connective tissues go weak, which leads to the weaking of our immune preventing the tendons and connective tissue from fully getting repaired.
How do acupuncture improve the healing?
Acupuncture is great at releasing potential resources in our body in order to boost our immune system to speed up the healing process.
Let us take one example here, a patient with a Baker’s cyst can take help of acupuncture, let us tell you how. The main cause of her problem is improper digestive function. Here the patient has accumulated too much fluid because of her high sugar intake that affected with a bump under the patient’s knee. With the help of some dietary changes and traditional acupuncture, she can make a speedy recovery.
Similarly, other patients with various problems can take help from acupuncture and improve their wellbeing. For more information about acupuncture in Runaway Bay or similar joint replacement treatment in Queensland, you can reach out to us. Our team of osteopaths will be glad to assist you.
Matthew Johan is the author of this Article. To know more about joint manipulation treatment Queensland please visit the website