Neuralgia is a medical condition that affects nervous system of the body. Any weakness of nerves gives rise to this medical condition. The work of nerve is to connect brain with rest of our body. The nerves of neuralgia affected person gives broken signal to the brain, or the signal sent by nerves are too weak for brain to analyze it properly. The affected person has to suffer from sharp, shocking pain along the path of the damaged nerve. In common, only one nerve is weak or Intercostalneuralgie damaged but, several nerves may become weak or damaged in severe cases. The main cause of pain in cases of neuralgia is that, the pain receptor cells gets stimulated due to the weakness of nerve.
The pressure on the nerve end could be because of artery or vein
The exact cause of this medical condition is still unknown, but some of the most common causes are mentioned ahead. Firstly, the leading cause of neuralgia in most cases is pressure on the nerve ending where it enters the brain stem. The pressure on the nerve end could be because of artery or vein. Due to pressure, affected nerve sends uncontrollable pain signals to the brain. Secondly, chronic renal insufficiency is another cause of this medical condition. Thirdly, any underlying medical complication could be the cause of this medical condition, for example diabetes. Fourthly, infections can also give rise to this medical condition, for example HIV weakens the nervous system of the affected person’s body. Fifthly, some medications may interfere with the functioning of nervous system and force it to send false pain signals to the brain, for example vincristine.
That Can Tell About The Problem Individual
There are many symptoms of this medical condition that can tell about the problem individual is affected from. Firstly, the sensitivity of the skin would be abnormal. In particular, skin would be more sensitive along the path of damaged nerve. Secondly, affected individual would experience numbness along the path of the nerve. Thirdly, sharp, stabbing pain would be felt in the affected area, which may get worse when affected area is moved. Fourthly, the pain might intermittent or, it could be constant, burning pain. Fifthly, the prime symptom of neuralgia is weakness or complete paralysis of the muscles which are connected with the affected nerve. Others include lack of perspiration, prickling sensation in the affected area, and pain from any part of the body that usually does not cause any pain.
They are made from time-tested rare herbs
Rumatone Gold capsule and massage oil are specifically formulated as an herbal joint and muscle support formula. They are made from time-tested rare herbs. The potent combination of Rumatone Gold capsule and massage oil helps to get rid of neuralgia bad effects from internally as well as externally. They are gaining popularity as most effective products to relieve joint and muscle related problems. The herbs of Rumatone Gold capsule and massage oil act as an anti Intercostalneuralgie inflammatory agent that reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling in the affected areas. Rumatone Gold capsule and massage oil are useful in the treatment of chronic inflammatory reactions. They are made of natural products only, due to which they do not induce negative effects on the user’s body.