How to Start Your Mornings in a Positive Mood
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Are you a monster in the mornings? It doesn’t have to be that way, seriously. You have plenty of great options that can ease tension, wake you up and lift your mood before you start your day and/or head out the door. Take a deep breath, and keep reading. These behavioral experts have some fab recommendations that are easy to do and really work.
Hot Shower, Water On The Face
Maybe you don’t have time for a shower or took one the night before. Whatever you do, make sure that water is somehow involved. For instance, water has calming effects on the human body, and a hot shower feels fantastic, can soothe away pains or stiffness and freshen your day ahead. Some folks believe that a cold shower to wake them up, or even a splash to the face with cold H2O after the alarm goes off can get you going.
5-Minute Meditation/Breathing
Here’s another way to start your day in a positive mood and remove any A.M. tension. Therapists say to sit at the edge of your bed, feet resting on the ground and your eyes closed. Next, inhale and exhale deeply, focusing on your diaphragm. Then, simply breathe deeply for the next five minutes. You can find a number of helpful how-to videos for five-minute meditation on YouTube.
Cup Of Coffee, Science-Backed Benefits
There have been tons of studies conducted over the years and are still going on about the value of a cup of coffee to perk up your mornings. Having that cup of joe as you sit in your home does amazing things such as improving alertness, memory and mental function. Brewing your own with the best Australian coffee beans offers the ultimate coffee drinking experience. In addition, coffee gives you nutrients featuring B vitamins, potassium and riboflavin and provides various anti-inflammatory compounds, which help reduce the risk of cancer.
Fulfilling Breakfast Before You Go
A lot of folks head out the door after that brisk cup of joe to start their morning routine. However, your body requires more than just a beverage. Food is fuel, and in the A.M., your body needs it. A banana is an excellent choice because it’s full of potassium and fiber. Eggs are also another classic breakfast food low in calories, and one egg contains six grams of protein and five grams of healthy fats. Oatmeal is a winner with long-lasting energy loaded with vitamins and minerals. It nourishes the body and mind.
A.M. Prime Time For Everything
Namni Goel, Ph.D, a research associate professor in psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine, told NBC News that it is during the morning that can set the tone for the entire day and help you maintain your short-term and long-term health. In addition, your body has inside of it a natural clock known as the circadian rhythm that keeps a balance of sleep, energy, metabolism, etc. Sleep experts advise keeping a consistent sleep schedule and getting exposure to natural light early in the morning to encourage the body to function at its best.
The Snooze Button Hit, A No-Go
It’s tempting to nail an extra nine minutes in the morning when you hit the snooze button, but that so-called “fragmented sleep” can actually throw you off for the rest of the day. In fact, psychologists say that you will feel even groggier after the snooze button because it can mess up your sleep cycle, and it isn’t considered “productive sleep.”
Short Cardio Indoors/Outdoors
If you can, get the body moving in the morning. Physical activity and doing it outdoors in sunlight are a win-win and a super way to start your day. Maybe you walk, bike, jog, etc. You can also perform short cardio exercises in the home. Even jumping jacks or torso twists for 30 seconds are great for the body and that energy boost you crave.
Mornings don’t have to be a drag, and you don’t have to begin your day feeling like a sourpuss. You can relax, boost your mood and feel refreshed in the A.M. Consider following these tips, and reap the awesome benefits!