How to Set Up AT&T Email on MS Outlook
Outlook provides you with a suitable place for you to connect all your accounts.
The following steps will tell you the AT&T email settings for Outlook:
- Open Microsoft Outlook. You need to tap on “Record” on the top menu bar. Pick “Data” and thereafter “Record Settings.” Choose “Record Settings” again.
- Select the “Email” tab. Click the “New” button. Click the radio button near “Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP.” Click “Next.” Check the case near “Genuinely organize server settings or additional server types.”Click “Next.” Choose “Web Email.” Click “Next.”
- You want to Enter your name and email address in the “Client Information” fields. Under “Server Information,” pick “POP3” beginning from dropbox. Type “” into the “Moving toward Mail Server” field. You are required to type “” into the “Dynamic Mail Server” field. Enter your client name and mystery word into the “Logon Information” fields. Login to get to your webmail. Click the “More Settings” button. This is a crucial step in AT&T email settings for outlook 2010.
- Select the “Dynamic Server” tab. Take a gander at the case near “My dynamic server (SMTP) requires confirmation.” Click the radio button near “Use same settings as an incoming mail server.”
- Select the “Advanced” tab. Investigate the case near “This server requires an encoded affiliation (SSL).” The field number should normally change to “995.” If it doesn’t, change the field number to “995.” This is also a crucial step to set up AT&T/yahoo email outlook 365.
- Change the “SMTP” field to the number “465” and select “SSL” beginning from dropbox. Click “Okay.” Click the “Test Settings” button to guarantee that everything works precisely.
- Click “Next” and subsequently “Finish.”
For more information, visit Ityug247.
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