How to Remove Cat Pee Stains from Bedding
Cats are mysterious creatures. It is often difficult to understand why cats do things like peeing on your bed. It is estimated that 10% of cats will urinate outside their litter box at some time in their lives. 1
There are a few steps you can take to get rid of urine and stains left by cats. Once you have identified the stain, take it out and use a carpet retailer in Hong Kong enzyme-based stain removal product or heavy-duty laundry detergent to clean it. Wash as directed.
How to Get Underarm Stains Out of Clothes
We have provided detailed instructions on how to quickly remove cat urine stains from your bedding.
Before You Begin
This article will show you how to remove cat urine stains from washable bedding. If the care label on your bedding says dry-clean only, you can blot the urine and place the bedding in an airtight bag. Then, take the bag to a dry cleaner immediately and identify the stain.
While the first incident of a cat peeing on your bed might be hard to comprehend, it will not be the last. Some cats prefer a particular area or surface for their elimination. Even if they have a litterbox, other cats may use urine marking to mark their territory. 2 No matter what the reason, if the urine smell persists after the first incident the cat will come back again and again.
How to remove cat pee stains from washable bedding
Blot up the cat pee!
Slip on disposable gloves to clean up any cat pee.
Take out the bedding.
Remove the bedding from your bed as soon as you find the stain. Each piece should be inspected for stains and odors. You will have a better chance of removing the stains from the bedding if you act quickly.
Treat the Stains
To treat the stain areas, use an enzyme-based stain removal product that is formulated for pet stains. To work the cleaner into fabric, use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Allow the cleaner to work for about 10-15 minutes before washing the bedding.
Wash the bedding
Use the recommended water temperature for bedding. To combat odors, add one cup baking soda to your wash water.
Be on the lookout for stains
Don’t dry the bedding if yellow stains are still present. High heat can permanently set in the stains. If you aren’t sure if the stain is gone, air-dry it.
To remove difficult stains:
Follow the instructions on the packaging to mix the solution.
Allow the bedding to soak for at most two hours.
If the stain remains, you can mix a Hong Kong carpet and rug cleaners oxygen-based bleach solution with water. Let it sit overnight before washing again.
How to remove fresh cat pee from a mattress
Cat pee should be removed as soon as it happens. Put the sheets, mattress pad and all affected blankets in the washing machine.
Blot Fresh Pee
Use rubber gloves to wipe out the urine. As the urine is transferred, press hard on the towels to absorb it.
The Fresh Stain is Treatable
Combine one tablespoon of an enzyme-based stain removal or heavy-duty laundry soap with one cup of warm water.
Use a soft-bristled scrub brush to lightly scrub the mattress-stained areas.
To prevent the stain from growing larger, work from the edges toward the center.
To absorb moisture, blot the area with a towel.
The Cat Pee Odor
Sprinkle a layer of baking soda on the mattress while it is still damp.
Let the baking soda air dry completely. This could take up to several hours.
Once the powder has dried, you can use an upholstery attachment on a vacuum cleaner or handheld vacuum cleaner to remove it.
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