How To Protect Yourself From Credit Card Fraud
Credit card frauds can be exceedingly devastating, especially as people’s reliance on plastic money develops. However, many people overlook fundamental safeguards to prevent credit card fraud. Every individual must take the appropriate precautions to avoid the dangers of credit card fraud.
Let us look at some of the measures to maintain credit card security and to protect yourself from credit card fraud:
- Refrain from suspicious links: The fraudsters are getting really creative with their techniques. Some of them may even get you to click on false links that can steal your financial information from cookies or your browser’s history. Never click on unauthorized links received on messages or from any other unauthorized sources.
- Don’t share your credit card details with anyone: Try not sharing your credit card details like card number, security pin, CVV with anyone. Sharing this information with many people can increase the chance of your information being misused.
- Don’t get into Get-rich-quick frauds: Many a time we get fake calls from people claiming to be a credit card agent or your bank executive and asking for your card information to process some kind of reward that you’ve won, never fall prey to such treacherous schemes.
- Enter card details manually every time you pay online: Whether you are shopping on any e-commerce platform or buying out any subscription, try to enter your credit card details manually because though saving the details can save you the trouble to enter the details every time but it will also increase the chances of someone taking advantage of your saved passwords on your computer or other devices.
- Don’t save your credit card details on an Alienware: If in case you ever use any computer or devices other than your own, like a friend’s computer, device at work, at a cyber cafe, etc., make sure that you have cleared the history, cookies, and haven’t saved the credit card details on the device.
- Keep an eye on the credit card transaction report: One of the very effective ways to protect yourself from credit card fraud is to maintain an excel spreadsheet of all of your transactions and compare it with your credit card transaction statement periodically. By doing so, you can spot suspicious transactions, if any, and take immediate action accordingly.
- Report stolen card immediately: If you ever lose your credit card or it gets stolen then make sure to report it right away (within 24 hours) to avoid your side of liability. Many credit cards provide the benefit of zero lost card liability which means that if you report a lost card within 24 hours you have no liability towards the transaction made with your lost card.
- Maintain password security: Always maintain your credit card pin security. Set up a strong password that is not easy to guess. Also, change your credit card pin periodically for maximum protection. This is one of the most important steps to protect yourself against credit card fraud.
Although there is no sure-shot way to eliminate future uncertainties, you can surely bring down the chances to a great extent by reducing as much risk as you can.
Additional Reading – How to Use Credit Cards To Get Maximum Benefits