How to Negotiate With an OSHA Compliance Officer
The US Department of Labor can give one of their inspectors with proper credentials a task to conduct an OSHA compliance test at your local office. Most of the small shop and business owners feel confused and overwhelmed when one of the OSHA officers arrive at their place. However, there is always a reason for a compliance officer to visit and do an inspection of the site. They may come to inspect one of the operations like heating and cooling measures. Usually, employers have the right to ask for a warrant before permitting them entry at their business area or jobsite. Employment Compliance Attorneys can help in finding more about violations and inspections.
Initial Talks with the Compliance Officer
In initial conference, you may ask for the nature of the visit and the extent of the inspection. If the inspection is because of an employee’s compliant, you can ask for its copy. Officers can edit this copy to conceal that particular employee’s identity. One of the employer’s representatives mostly accompanies these officers during inspections. This allows employers in knowing the problem closely and avoiding such future examinations.
Negotiating the scope of the inspection
A workplace, company, shop, store, or factory can be both very large and normal sized. It’s better to know if the complaint is about a specific area within the premises and whether it will remain confined to that area only. Mostly, inspections concentrate on particular areas and certain hazards. However, companies are suggested to be prepared for full inspections especially in case they don’t possess a safety program. Hiring employment compliance attorneys help in keeping the workplace in compliance with necessary labor and OSHA laws. You can also Contact- Tremiti LLC for professional help.
What Does a Compliance Officer Do at the Worksite?
Companies that work with ten or more employees are required to keep an OSHA log (OSHA form 300) which consists of injuries and illnesses recorded at the site. Frequently, OSHA compliance offers review and verifies these logs. They will probably ask for your hazard control and management program, check list of any hazardous materials you’re working with, and look for noticeable OSHA poster. Companies are also required to have an accident prevention program. When employers or companies fail to produce proper records and documents, they are charged heavily in fines. To avoid making a poor impression and bad outcome of the inspection, employers can work with law firms such as Tremiti LLC for professional assistance and legal help.
It would be beneficial to inform employees at the training stage about potential inspections and that they are all working in a safe workplace. During the training period, employers should give assurance of no retaliation to their employees for anything they say in front of officers or when they are interviewed about workplace conditions. Many employees feel intimidated and naturally, they say what compliance officers want to hear. To avoid that situation, employers can hire employment compliance attorneys who will help them training the employees properly and drafting clear guidelines.