How to Mount a Flat Screen Television
Practically nobody has a CRT (cathode ray tube) television any more, and entertainment focuses are quickly becoming outdated furniture pieces, so what does one do with the brand new flat screen that they recently purchased?
I am glad that you asked because this article is all about how to mount your flat screen television to the wall yourself without having to hire professionals to make it happen. As a matter of fact, when you learn how to do this, you can charge your friends to do it for them.
The first thing you will have to do is determine the area on your desired wall the television mounted and then, at that point, get a mounting bracket for your new television. You usually get a mounting bracket from the place that sells the flat screens, and a few mounts will accompany instructions that you can actually place on the wall and use as a visual guide to mount the bracket.
Mounts are usually sold by size and weight of the television being mounted, so if you are buying the mount a while after the television was purchased, have that information ready when you go to the store. The following thing you will have to do is get a stud finder.
This is to measure the distance between the studs in the wall that you will connect the wall mount to in request to hang the flat screen. To utilize a stud finder, simply place it flat on the wall a hit the start button as you drag the stud finder across the wall until the stud finder gives you a long signal, indicating that the stud has been found should I mount my tv .
Place a mark there and continue along the wall to find the following stud and repeat this for the length of the television mount. In the end you want at least two studs for the mount.
When you find your studs, you will have to drill what is known as ‘pilot openings’ into the studs. This is finished to make sure that the ‘lag bolts’, which are the main bots that will anchor the television bracket and television to the wall, will have sufficient room to fit.
These lag bolts will uphold all the weight of the television and mount so it is vital that there is adequate space in the stud to help the bolt. Then, you want to hold the bracket against the wall that was measured for studs and make sure that the openings in the bracket line up with the marks that were made for the studs. Make sure that you also have a level handy so you can make sure that the mount is level before you secure it to the wall.
At the point when you begin drilling, make sure that you feel resistance all the way through the drilling system. This indicates that you have drilled all the way into the stud. If you start off with resistance and unexpectedly you feel no resistance, this typically means that the bolt has gone in at an angle and passed through the stud. This is bad. You want to make sure that there is resistance all the way through so the mount is firmly gotten to the wall How hard is it to mount a tv .
Presently all you have to do is attach your television to the wall with either a tilting mount or a fixed mount. Tilting mounts are typically utilized when the television is being placed high above a seated line of sight viewing angle so the television can be tilted downward .