How to Learn English Fast
Still, you’re in luck, If you want to get fluent in English. It’s the alternate most spoken language in the world. So you won’t have to look veritably hard to find lots of English coffers and lots of chances to exercise both spoken and written English.
What if you want to learn English presto? Also, there are some ways you should follow so that you don’t waste any of your precious study time or lose interest in studying.
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Let’s get to it! Here are my 5 ways to learn English presto.
Are you surprised that the first step isn’t about how to learn English words or the alphabet? Don’t be! Chancing your Big Why is much more important than knowing which words to learn( “ the what ”) or the stylish study styles for English( “ the how ”).
Before “ the what ” or “ the how ”, start with “ the why ”. Get a pen right now, or open a textbook document on your computer, and write down why you want to be fluent in English.
Don’t write a reason just because it sounds cool. Suppose why learning English is important to you. You don’t have to show it to anyone. Just ensure that your reason is great enough to motivate you throughout your English course. The more motivated you’re to study English, the easier it will be to learn.
During the remaining eight ways in this composition, if you ever find that you’re losing interest in studying English, come back to this step and remind yourself why learning English is a great idea.
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I’ve studied a lot of languages in the past 15 times. I’ve learned that I make important progress faster when I have a clear thing in mind than I do when I’m just studying erratically.
In this step, take the same distance of paper you used in step one. Write down exactly what you want to achieve, and when. However, also you presumably want to learn English presto, If you’re reading this composition. In that case, you should be ambitious. Indeed if you’re not in a big hurry to get fluent, make your thing clear and specific. Then are some exemplifications of bad( unclear) and good( clear and specific) pretensions
Within 8 months, I want to be able to read and understand any composition in the New York Times.
Within 6 months, I want to score at least 6.0 on the IELTS English test so I can apply and be accepted to an exchange program at Swansea University.
Within 3 months, I want to be able to talk with English speakers in social situations about everyday motifs similar to sports, music, flicks, trips, and food.
Notice how the destructive pretensions have no time limit. When do you want to complete your thing? This is important. However, also you can estimate your progress during your studies and figure out if you need to change your routine to meet your goal If you have a time limit. Each of the good pretensions has a veritably clear deadline.
Step 3 Find English coffers that are Just a Little Bit Challenging
Still, this step is crucial. If you want to learn English, presto.
still, if you find this composition a little bit delicate to read), also don’t try to read the New York Times yet! It’ll only discourage you If your English is still introductory or lower intermediate( for illustration. Rather, look at coffers similar to VOA Special English News where you can hear news stories in clear, slow English.
Make sure your study coffers aren’t too easy, either. However, reading children’s storybooks or Wikipedia in Simple English might make you feel confident if you understand every word, If you’re an intermediate English speaker. Are you learning English if you’re only seeing words you formerly know?
Step 4 Find English coffers that Match Your thing
Make sure everything you do in your English studies brings you closer to your goal.
still, also watch English flicks, If your thing is to talk with native English speakers about films. However, get a good instructor to prepare you for that test, If you want to pass an English test so you can study abroad. However, also go to meetups and language exchanges where you can sputter about everyday motifs If you just want to learn how to have casual exchanges in English.
This is why it’s so important to have a good, clear goal. However, in six months or the coming time, also you won’t know where to start looking for good practice material, If you aren’t sure where you want to be in three months.
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Step 5 Learn New English Words, Lots of Them!
I’ve met numerous English learners who put all their trouble into perfecting their accentuation and alphabet. They’re formerly trying to sound like a WallSt. stock dealer or a BBC Brit, before they know enough vocabulary to talk about these subjects.
This is a mistake. Your English will take you important further if you have a wide vocabulary than it’ll if you speak with a perfect accentuation but don’t know veritably numerous words. The utmost English speakers in the world speak English as an alternate language. Nearly all of them speak it with a foreign accentuation. So native English speakers are used to hearing foreign accentuations, and we don’t mind it at all.