How to Keep Your Best People from Walking Out the Door
The silly season is upon us. A crazy time of year made even crazier by what’s happening with our workforce. You’ve probably seen the stats:
Over 4 million people are resigning from their jobs in the US each month (and have been since February) – some without another job to go to.
26% more Australians changed jobs in October 2021 than
in October 2019.
Multiple studies consistently show that over 40% of the
workforce is actively looking or open to other jobs.
Even an informal straw poll of my LinkedIn followers has reported:
23% slightly higher turnover than normal
🔹 50% significantly higher turnover than normal
🔹 27% no change in turnover
This trend is expected to continue through at least the first quarter of 2022.
I’ve spent a lot of time speaking and writing about this topic over the last 2 months. SmartCompany Magazine published a series that I wrote that summarizes these points nicely and I wanted to share them with you.
Nine Ways to Make Sure Your Staff Don’t Leave,
How to Build a Company People Don’t Leave in the Hybrid Era,
How to turn The Great Resignation into a Great Recruitment Opportunity,
If you want to do a deeper dive, I recorded a webinar that I conducted in October on 9 Keys to Avoid the Great Resignation.
During this webinar, I went through what the research tells us about people who are leaving their roles.
I also unveiled the updated 9 Currencies of Choice® Model which was originally designed by reverse engineering over 5,000 exit interviews. I updated this model from the research I mentioned above.
In that webinar, I mentioned our Mind Reading for Managers® program, which is based on the 9 Currencies of Choice® model.
This year-long, digital program teaches managers how to plan, prepare and conduct monthly 1:1 conversations with their direct reports.
Monthly conversations with direct reports are considered best practice and research shows that done well, these conversations make a significant impact on employee motivation, engagement and productivity (see our own results on this flyer).
The problem is, most managers don’t talk to their staff enough. Even when they do meet with them one on one the conversations typically fall on the opposite ends of a spectrum.
On one end, the conversation revolves around BAU topics, priorities or their KPIs.
On the other, the conversations revolve around how they are going personally. Both are important conversations but both miss aspects that are important to their employees.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can structure effective 1:1 conversations with your team – and avoid the Great Resignation click here: