How to generate traffic for your website?
The goal of SEO is obviously to get qualified traffic, but it’s not the only method. When starting a new site in a competitive industry, positioning yourself in the first results can take a long time. It may therefore be interesting to implement other techniques aimed at bringing traffic to your site. Even if the traffic coming from natural results must remain the majority (on average 1 in 2 visitors comes from a search engine), these complementary web marketing techniques must be taken into account.
Here are the most used web marketing techniques:
Google ad words
This is Google’s advertising network, which allows you to include your site in the sponsored part of the results of the first page. You pay for every click generated. How much you are willing to pay per click is up to you: the higher the price you give, the higher your ad will appear in the ad list. This can range from a penny to several tens of euros, depending on the competition on the keyword.
An Adwords campaign can be interesting in several cases: positioning itself quickly, compensating for a bad position in the natural results, positioning itself on a very competitive request, positioning itself on an event-driven or seasonal request, etc.Seo Company in Lahore
Content Marketing
It is about writing articles on a subject related to your site, and to publish them on sites of free articles, on participatory blogs, on blogs accepting the guest blogging . Your articles have a signature, in which you can indicate a link to your site. This allows you to promote your site, get visits, as well as backlinks.
Social networks
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,, Google+.. Social networks have become essential tools for the promotion of websites. Many companies have their dedicated pages on these networks. It is a significant source of traffic, particularly for news sites that regularly create content (content to be relayed on social networks therefore).Seo Company in Lahore
Social media
YouTube has become an ideal web marketing platform for viral marketing, that is, marketing that is propagated by users, focused on buzz (e.g. a funny video, a drop, etc.). In addition to being a source of traffic, Youtube, for highly watched videos, can also be a source of income related to advertising.
The forums
They can be used in 2 ways: to get new links (some sites allow you to put url in your signature) as well as visits. For example, if you have an insurance brokerage company, you can go to forums on this subject and answer questions from Internet users (while ensuring the discreet promotion of your company).
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