How to Do part time courses after 12th
Part time courses after 12th can help students gain additional skills and qualifications. Here are the steps to pursue part time diploma programs while preparing for further studies or working:
•Choose a field of interest from design, medicine, law, management, accountancy etc. Check available part-time courses and programs from reputed institutions.
•Search for popular part-time courses like certificate courses in graphic designing, web development, photography, law, accounts etc. Check course fees and eligibility criteria.
•Apply for your preferred part time courses after 12th. Fill application form, submit documents and pay application fees. Appear for interviews or exams if required.
•Manage your time well to balance part time studying with job or graduation exam preparation. Set priorities and stick to a study schedule.
•Attend part time classes held on weekends or evenings as per your course timetable. Study regularly and submit assignments on time.
•Prepare thoroughly for exams and assessments of the part time course. Give your best performance to achieve good grades.
•Upon successful completion of the part time course, you will be awarded a diploma or certificate to improve your career prospects.
Hope this helps provide a good overview of pursuing part time courses after completing higher secondary or 12th grade education! Let me know if you need any clarification.