How To Avoid Child Support Legally?

Child custody mediation is a cost-effective and quick way to end divorce disputes involving children. It is an option that can be chosen by parents if mediation would be the best course of action for both parties. There are a number of things you can do to avoid being forced into child support payments after separation. The following steps will allow you to prove to the court that you are capable of providing for your children’s needs financially.
Here are some tips to avoid paying child support legally:
– Do not have joint custody in the first place. This will make it difficult for the court to impose financial support on you if you do get divorced. If one parent pays child support and the other does not, the one who is not paying will be at a disadvantage. You should also have no contact with your ex-spouse and his/her family members. Find a suitable place to live where there is no other person living in the same house or apartment.
– Get rid of any child support cases that you have before filing for divorce. The courts will be able to see by looking at your income that you are capable of providing for your children without child support. If your income is fairly low, then it might be possible that the judge could require you to pay child support if he or she believes that you are capable of doing so without it affecting your ability to provide for yourself and your family.
– If you are hesitant about giving up your right to have a bigger role in your children’s lives, then agree to give up on time with them. Time is what the courts look at more closely than anything else when deciding whether or not to require child support. If you are barely in your children’s lives, then it will be easier for the judge to decide that you are not fit to pay child support.
– Don’t make an effort to increase your income, even if you need more money to support your children. You should also not work overtime or a second job or start a business after separation and don’t try to increase your time with your children.
– Avoid new relationships after divorce. The court will be less likely to require child support payments from you if it believes that there is someone who can step in and financially provide for your children if you were not able to do so on your own.
Conclusion :
One thing that you may need to give up if you don’t want to pay child support is parental mediation. These are quite expensive options, and if you are forced to see a mediator, then they may ask you to give up this option. Avoiding child support is a hard thing to do. But it is very important that you do try and do this. You may want to get help. The judges and court officials will let any parents off without paying child support stay together with their kids if they can prove that the other parent is financially capable of providing for the children without child support payments. The mediation in Melbourne is rough but it’s not impossible to get around, especially if you have a good lawyer that can help. The court officials have a hard time asking parents who do not pay child support to pay if they can show a real reason why they cannot afford to do so. Find here about couger.