How to Advance Your Baking Skills
Let’s say you’ve already mastered the basics of baking. You can follow recipes meticulously, measure the ingredients accurately, and mix everything to a perfect texture and consistency. Of course, you don’t just stop there. As with any other skill, you need to level up your baking skills to do better and make more. Here are some tips on how you can advance your baking skills.
Use better-quality ingredients
To advance your baking skills, you need to upgrade everything involved in your baking process. First, upgrade your ingredients. If you practiced with preserved or less expensive ingredients during your beginning stages, then it’s time to pick fresh and high-quality ones.
Learn advanced methods
Level up your skill by making some things from scratch instead of relying on something pre-made or instant. For example, when baking pies, you may have initially relied on premade crusts and just worked on the filling. To advance your baking skills, start making your crust by hand.
Buy better baking tools and equipment
At first, having the complete baking tools and equipment is what matters for you to have everything you need at hand. Now that you aim to advance your baking skills, you need to upgrade your things or even have backups for those you use most frequently. For example, replace your old measuring spoons and cups with ones made of better material and quality. Have more than one wooden spoon and pastry brush if you use them often. If you only use a whisk, you can upgrade to a mixer.
Upgrade your oven
It is time for you to do some oven online shopping. To advance your baking skills, you need to have a better oven. Before buying an oven online, you must decide what is best for you. If you are doing a lot of baking, you might consider investing in a Split&Cook oven which allows you to bake two dishes at once at varying temperatures.
Level up your output
Start baking foods you may have avoided due to their complexity or difficulty. For example, if you often skipped baking macarons because it seemed daunting, it is time to start mastering them. Another way to upgrade your output is to bake recipes you already know but with substitute ingredients for restricted diets. This way, you can expand your knowledge of ingredients and the dishes you can make.