How does credit card processing work?
When a customer makes a purchase with a credit or debit card, the card is swiped through a machine called a terminal. The terminal communicates with the card issuer (the company that issued the customer’s credit or debit card), sending information about the purchase. The card issuer then authorizes or denies the purchase. If the purchase is authorized, the terminal sends the information to a payment processor, which processes the payment and deposits the funds into the merchant’s account.
The credit card processing process involves several parties: the customer, the card issuer, the terminal operator, the payment processor, and the merchant. Each party has a specific role in authorizing and processing payments. Let’s take a closer look at each role.
The customer: The customer provides the credit or debit card information to the terminal operator. The customer is also responsible for ensuring that there are enough funds available on the card to cover the purchase.
The card issuer: The card issuer is the company that issued the customer’s credit or debit card. The card issuer is responsible for authorizing or denying purchases and for providing customer service related to the customer’s card.
The terminal operator: The terminal operator is the business that operates the credit or debit card terminals. The terminal operator is responsible for swiping the cards through the terminals and for sending information about the purchases to the card issuer and payment processor.
The payment processor: The payment processor is the company that processes payments for merchants. The payment processor is responsible for depositing funds into the merchant’s account and for providing customer service related to the merchant’s account.
The merchant: The merchant is the business that accepts credit or debit card payments. The merchant is responsible for setting up an account with a payment processor and for providing customer service related to the merchant’s account.
Now that you know how credit card processing works, you can understand the importance of each party involved in the process. By understanding the roles of each party, you can better troubleshoot any problems that may arise during a purchase.