How does a sedentary lifestyle affect a person?
Have you heard the word “hypoactivity”? It may not be familiar to everyone. Most people unfamiliar with this term believe that this is such a disease. Although from a medical point of view this is not entirely true, but it is precisely the disease that I want to call this phenomenon. We are talking about the lack of physical activity, the epidemic of which simply overwhelmed our society.
Who is guilty?
If you wish, of course, you can always find the culprit, but let’s try to consider only objective reasons:
- A huge number of automatic and robotic technologies. They make our life easier and easier, save energy and time: elevators, remote control, home assistant cars, cars and other mechanisms that do everything for us;
- The need to earn more and increase the working day. Of course, this item applies to people of non-physical types of labor. Working in the office or at the reception, for example, chains you to a chair for the whole day, granting rare runs to the office of your boss or colleague and back. By the end of the day, only one muscle group gets tired – the back, Heures Miroirs;
- The spread of a culture of passive entertainment, in which the general scenario is the same – a person sits and rejoices.
Each of you can add something else to this list. But understanding the cause is only half the battle. You should be very careful about what consequences the lack of sufficient mobility is fraught with.
What is dangerous?
The very first and most terrible is the aging of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The fact is that when performing our daily tasks, our body uses only a third of its potential, while to maintain tone, you need to load yourself by no less than 60%, and for the development of systems – by 80%. Only athletes work to the fullest when they go for a record.
Another unpleasant consequence is obesity. While a person is sitting, fat is growing, everything is even. Moreover, it grows not only on the sides and hips, but also around the internal organs, filling the abdominal cavity and putting pressure on the diaphragm. That is why fat women always have a hard time breathing. This leads to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood and poor health. In addition, extra weight is also a burden on all body systems, especially the heart.
Further, it simply goes through a chain reaction: weakening of the skeleton, joint diseases, lethargy, weakness, apathy. Muscles atrophy and lose weight and volume, problems with posture develop. This complex further leads to many serious diseases. The psychological comfort of a motionless person is also rapidly falling. But is there a way to somehow deal with this phenomenon?
What to do?
Of course, hypodynamia is not a sentence, because it really is not even a disease! So it’s safe to go into battle with her tomorrow. For a guaranteed victory, we recommend:
- Forget the elevator – just forget about it, especially within five floors. Daily ascent and descent of the stairs will already give a little workout to the legs and back;
- Try to drive less. You can walk or use public transport. So it will be possible not only to save nature, but also to add another kilometer or two to your walking;
- Go for a walk in the park for your lunch break. At least just take a walk down a deserted street. This will help both raise the level of activity and clear the head from work at Starbucks Partner Hours;
- Get a dog. This, of course, is a joke, but the need to walk a pet drives its owners to the park for a quick walk at least twice a day.
Even these small tips are enough to stay young and healthy for a long time, and if you add proper nutrition and regular exercise here, then your age will remain a mystery and an amazing fact for everyone around you.