How Ccie Enterprise Infrastructure Lab Topology is Done
You can build a virtual lab environment by following step-by-step instructions rather than repeatedly documenting the procedure.
The Palo Alto lab standard configuration for EVE-NG
After logging in, add a Palo Alto firewall, layer 2 switch, and router to eve-ng to mimic an isp connection. This ccie enterprise infrastructure lab topology configuration could approximate a similar appearance.
lab setup in Palo Alto Lab
You may manage hosts from your computer by connecting your devices to your actual network using eve ng online lab. Choose the management cloud option when adding a network, then link it to your Palo Alto management interface.
By doing this, you may give your Palo a local network IP address. Once everything is wired up, turn on each device and wait for around ten minutes. You ought to be able to launch the GUI using Palo Alto’s IP address once it receives one. When you double-click the Palo Alto firewall, your address will be shown.
Palo Alto management interface’s IP address
With the IP address, log in via a browser. We’ll set up a default configuration once you’re logged in to ensure connectivity across the lab.
Palo Alto Lab Default Configuration Instructions
The remainder of the stages will explain how to set up different parts of the Palo Alto Firewall and what each feature has to offer.
To establish Palo Alto security zones
Security zones must be established first. Security zones are a logical way to arrange physical and virtual interfaces on the firewall so that you can control and track the traffic that travels through them as it passes across your network.