Holistic Doctors and Alternative Medicine Austin
Holistic medicine has been gaining favor for years as researchers continue to uncover ways your spiritual, mental and physical health are linked. Rather than treat a specific medical issue at hand without stepping back and looking at the bigger picture, holistic doctors in Austin work with you to help you achieve and maintain a better balance in life that leads to improved wellness.
Alternative medicine austin is a comprehensive approach to healthcare that includes alternative treatment options in conjunction with standard treatments. This is often referred to as functional medicine or integrative medicine and is offered by practitioners with prescriptive authority who are focused on finding the root cause of disease, not just treating the symptoms.
Services include allergy relief and elimination with NAET, acupuncture, Celluma LED light therapy, nutritional and diet consultation, treatment of hormonal imbalance and fertility, emotional health, autism, autoimmune & chronic illness as well as herbal and supplement sales and consultation. The practice specializes in the role environmental toxicants play in the development of complex chronic illness symptoms such as fatigue, fibromyalgia and mood disorders.