Hemp Cream For Pain Relief
You we’ll have to connect because i will be up and i’m actually going to be staying a week extra so maybe we’ll have to come up and visit sure yes yes okay so we have a great question that just came in from edward um he’s wondering um are you seeing fair prices in the textile hemp are you having issues finding processors and do you see fair prices or where do you see prices going well i feel that the textile industry when it comes to final production has always been fairly high um and you had a great uh a great person there last week that was talking about that and how that we wanted to see the markets uh change in prices.
Hempfinity Products and Hemp Extracts
The problem is is the quantity is the quality over quantity hemp cream aspect or the supply and demand aspect so when you have low supply you’re going to have a high demand which is the higher price that’s driving it’s micro and micro economics but right now i feel like just as in any other industry that has a high value potential those prices are going to inflate and as more farmers are able to create a higher supply then we’ll see those prices come come down uh fairly lower on the end product again however for the farmer we’re tr still industries are still trying to understand the productivity of what is being produced and in order to determine the value of what’s being produced and how well is being produced the farmer of course is not going to fairly get the fair share because right now we don’t know what the fair share is um it’s very important that farmers with the education level of the plant like i have are able to drive and determine their price it’s just like creating your own value um as much work as we put into other crops we have to put 10 times more work into a crop like this we grow everything organically no harmful pesticides or fungicides are being put into these crops because we don’t know what part of the production of this crop can end up in someone’s bloodstream.
Making A Small Batch of Rick Simpsons Hemp Cream
So we want to make sure that we provide the highest quality product to those companies so they can create things that we didn’t even know could be created at the time uh that’s the way i look at it um and also yes so we just have to be very powerful and very careful so the labor inclusive uh inclusivity of what we put into the crop we feel like we should be able to determine our own labor price for what we put into it slimming gel yeah i absolutely agree and i know that there’s a big call from the consumers market right the consumers want to see uh not just the supply chain and that it’s ethically sourced but also that it’s um not that it’s organic right or that it’s not chemically treated and i think that that’s a huge shift paradigm shift we’re definitely seeing for the first time that the consumers are willing to pay or vote with their dollar right absolutely and uh and our farming process