Hemp cbd business plan sample
These days, at least 70 countries cultivate hemp for commercial or research purposes. The largest producers of hemp are currently China, USA, Canada, France and Chile. In 2021, hemp acreage in North America and the European Union countries totaled about 115,000 acres and 135,000 acres respectively, which put global acreage at about 510,000 acres. China – the world’s largest hemp fiber and seed producer – planted more than 160,000 acres of hemp. FAS data also reported hemp production in Columbia, Ecuador, Iran, Japan, South and North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, and Turkey. Other countries with active hemp grower and/or consumer markets are New Zealand, India, Egypt, South Africa, Thailand, Malawi, and Uruguay. Hemp cbd business plan sample
According to marketing analysis reports by ResearchAndMarkets, the global hemp market size was valued at $6.80 billion in 2022 up from $4.13 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 21.6% to $18.10 billion by 2027. The global CBD industry is projected to accelerate from $2.8 billion in 2020 to about $13 billion at a CAGR of over 20% in 2028, according to Grand View Analysis. Canada hemp business
We offer “70% ready to go” professional hemp CBD business plan templates, including pro forma financials and projections to help you know how much money it will cost to start your business and how much money you can make by starting and operating your 100% legally compliant hemp CBD business.