GPS Tracking Software: Know Where Your Employees Are
GPS tracking software is an easy way to keep tabs on where your employees are at all times. It’s also a great way to ensure you know how much time they’re spending in meetings, away from their desks, and working from home. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of what software does for businesses that implement it.
To read more about time tracking with screenshots, check out our newest post about GPS tracking software right here!
How Does GPS Tracking Software Work?
GPS tracking software works by assigning an identification number to each vehicle and employee. Once that is complete, trackers are installed in vehicles so that you can keep tabs on their location. With GPS tracking software, it’s easy to know where your employees are at all times. This gives you full control over your fleet of vehicles, as well as providing information you can use to improve efficiency and maximize profits. And if one of your vehicles experiences a problem, GPS tracking software will alert you immediately.
The Benefits of Using GPS Tracking Software:
With any new technology there needs to be a solid understanding about how it can benefit an organization.
Here are three reasons why you should consider using GPS tracking software in your business today:
1) Improved Fleet Management – Businesses that manage multiple vehicles have an advantage over businesses that use only one or two cars. Why? Because they can better allocate resources and plan their routes around traffic, weather conditions, and other factors that may delay travel times.
2) Increased Security – One of the biggest benefits of GPS tracking software is improved security measures. If an employee’s vehicle goes missing for more than 30 minutes, you will receive a report alerting you immediately. In most cases, you can then track down your missing employee before he or she reaches their destination.
3) Cut Costs – When employees aren’t wasting time finding their way from Point A to Point B, employers get increased productivity with lower costs associated with gas consumption and maintenance issues as well as additional car payments when employees use personal vehicles for work purposes.
How to get started with GPS Tracking Software?
There are many different types of GPS tracking software, but most fall into one of two categories: either they install on an employee’s phone or they run in a web browser. If you choose to go with a phone-based system, you can monitor an employee’s location via Google Maps or another mapping platform. The disadvantage here is that you need to give your employees phones for them to be tracked with—most small businesses will have at least some reluctance to do so.
On the other hand, if you use GPS tracking software that runs in a web browser, it doesn’t matter what device your employees use because all their movements will be visible through a dashboard. This option works especially well if you want to track only selected employees. Additionally, both options work across any mobile or desktop device and even offer third-party integrations so you can tie employee movement with other systems like CRM platforms and accounting tools.