Get your landlord electrical safety certificate
Today, new legislation has been introduced in England, which means that landlords must conduct an electrical examination of the electrical installations of their rental properties every five years. Cheap Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate for UK Landlord.
This has been something we have been doing for years, a positive step to improving the security of 4.5 million homes in the private rental sector.
All electrical installations deteriorate over time and use. By performing an electrical examination, the periodic inspection will identify any problems that need to be addressed to make the installation safe. This includes
Check if electrical circuits or equipment are overloaded
Identify potential electric shocks and fire hazards.
Look for the wrong electrical work
The electrician will prepare an electrical installation status report (EICR) with examination details, recommendations for work to be taken, and indicate whether the installation is safe.
So if you are a private or rented landlord, what does this mean for you?
Electrical installations must be inspected and tested before starting a new lease from 1 July 2020
Checks must be made on an existing lease before April 1, 2021.
These checks should be done every five years.
If work is to be done to ensure facility safety, this should be done within 28 days of the initial examination.
A copy of the EICR must be provided for new and detained tenants
It is your responsibility as the landlord to ensure that the person inspecting and any repair work reported as a result is appropriately qualified. The best way to ensure this is to hire a registered electrician with a government-approved schedule. Here you will find an electrician.
Here you will find more tips for realtors and a free brochure with more information on how to keep your tenants and properties safe.
By law, the landlord must ensure that the electrical installations in your rental home are safe throughout your lease term.
If you are a new tenant, you must complete it before departure. For existing tenants, the landlord must complete electrical checks by April 1, 2021. They should then provide you with a copy of the electrical installation report confirming that the house is safe.
If you are worried about an electrician entering your home during the COVID-19 Crisis, our blog post will help you maintain social distance while work is over. Read more about your electrical safety obligations as a tenant here.
For more information about London Property Inspections