Facts To Know If Your Air Sander Is Working Right

Spray painting is now a household name for every small makeover. Be it your furniture or kitchenware or any other decorative stuff, through spray painting, a brand new look can be given and hence we use an air sander. While speaking about spray paintings, the role of air sanders cannot be overlooked. They provide the base for a great painting and that delivers sheen and elegance. Being used on multiple surfaces, it becomes mandatory to check whether the sander is working properly.
Points To Note When You Are Dealing With The Air Sanders
There are innumerable situations you can have to deal with. You have to make the best use of these great sanders. Here are a few know-about of a good working sander:
- Rotation Of The Sander: The first and foremost thing to notice while working on an air sander is to observe the rotations per minute. Whether the sander is running faster without breaks or its speed has come down. A higher rotation could be the result of an eroded bearing, as it would not be able to control the stoppage of the motor. Keep a check on the speed of the motor. This will help you know when the machine needs to be serviced.
- Back-Cap Broken: On usage, the machine is likely to get wear and tear. The back cover cap usually breaks if not handled properly. The broken cap can attract unwanted contaminants into the machine linings. Once the air sander stops working, a create vacuum is created. This vacuum pulls the nearby particles on the oily surface that making it hard and difficult to operate. It is very important to keep the back covered as it acts as a shield against dirt.
- Sanders Are Oil-Thirsty: It is a common trait of all machines that require frequent oiling. Add a few drops of machine oil to the air sander motor and rotate for a few seconds to get it evenly spread. Now, rest the sander for the next day’s work. Oiling avoids any abrasion arising out of the friction between the machine parts. Oil or grease stays long even if it gets heated during operation. Always try to use these with extra precaution as the parts of the sanders are delicate.
- Keep Additional Spares: Working with the sander makes life so much easier. We want to keep up the speedy work. For this, we need to be prepared to fix up any spare parts when needed. Always keep a spare of the suction pads as they get damaged quite often. This will prevent for longer stoppage of the machine for long. Also, these minor changes can be done by the user himself to avoid any additional costs for maintenance. A worn-out suction pad of air sander may not give impressive results, thus reducing the quality of work. It is always recommended to avoid working with a worn-out suction pad.
Nevertheless, above mentioned points are only suggestive of certain points. When you get used to working with sanders you will learn more about these. There are many ways a sander is helpful to give a perfect look to a painted work. The smoothness, shine, and uniformity are what everyone expects after a painting. This cannot be possible without using a sander to make the surface ready for painting. The life, elegance, and quality of a painting solely depend on how finely the surface has been sanded. Get the best sander for obtaining a superior quality finish in terms of look as well as durability.