Exploring the Power of Hybrid Inheritance: Unleashing the Best of Multiple Inheritance and Interface Inheritance
In object-oriented programming languages like Java, JavaScript, Python, etc., the concept of inheritance is very important. This concept makes object-oriented programming more straightforward and faster.
There are multiple types of inheritance in programming, such as single-level, multi-level, hierarchical, multiple, and hybrid inheritance. You get to see these types of inheritance in Java and most other languages.
However, in Java, using multiple inheritance directly is not possible. But having it is a big plus due to its numerous benefits in object-oriented programming. So, a new inheritance is created with the help of single and interface inheritance in Java. This inheritance is called hybrid inheritance in Java.
In this blog, you will specifically learn about hybrid inheritance. It is one of the most valuable types of inheritance in Java and other languages. But first, you will know about some terminology related to it.
Terminology Related to Inheritance in Programming
A few terms related to inheritance in programming are essential to understand the concept quickly. Here’s an overview of these terms and their use:
- Superclass
It is the class of the program from which other classes inherit the properties and behaviors. It is also known as the parent class in inheritance.
- Subclass
It is the class of the program to which the properties and behaviors are inherited from the parent or superclass. It is also known as child class in inheritance.
- Inherited Members
As the name suggests, the inherited members are the properties and behaviors inherited from one class to another.
- Super Keyword
The “super” keyword is used to refer to the superclass in the program. It is used as the prefix in the program.
These are a few essential terms in the concept of inheritance. Now let’s briefly understand the need for inheritance in programming.
What is the Need for Inheritance in Programming?
The concept of inheritance in programming is essential as it helps to understand the code and code reusability quickly. Moreover, it also helps to write a more neat and clean code, which also turns out to be easily maintainable.
Inheritance in programming allows one to inherit the properties and behavior of a class from other classes. It eliminates the need to write the same code for a new class that needs similar properties and behavior to an existing class.
Now, learn about single and interface inheritance in Java. These two inheritances in Java combine to make hybrid inheritance in Java.
Single Inheritance in Java Programming
Single inheritance in Java is used to inherit properties and behavior of a superclass to the subclass. It is used in cases where a new class has to be created with similar properties present in a pre-existing class. Moreover, after inheriting the properties, the subclass can further be edited for properties that are missing in the superclass.
- Example of Single Inheritance
In the above example, there is the public class “Animal,” which has two properties of “eating” and “sleeping.” Now, a new class called “dog” is created, which is extended to animals with the help of the “extend” keyword.
It means the “dog” class has inherited the properties of the “Animal” class. So, it is an example of single inheritance in Java where “Animal” is a superclass and “dog” is the subclass.
Moreover, the “dog” class is further modified to have its own specific property of barking. This property will not affect the superclass in any way.
Interface Inheritance in Java Programming
In interface inheritance in Java, multiple interfaces are created. These interfaces carry their own methods. Now, inheriting these interfaces to a new class is known as interface inheritance. Interface inheritance plays a vital role in getting multiple inheritance properties in Java.
Here you will learn more about interface inheritance before moving to hybrid inheritance in Java.
- Example of Interface Inheritance
Here in this example, there are two interfaces, namely, “Animal” with the method “sound()” and “Flyable” with the method “fly.” Now, a new class called “Bird” inherits the method of both the above interfaces. It means that “Bird” now has methods of the above interfaces along with its own specific components.
Hybrid Inheritance in Java
Hybrid inheritance in Java combines single inheritance and interface inheritance. Since multiple inheritances in Java are not directly supported, hybrid inheritance in Java helps bring similar functionalities.
Multiple inheritances in object-oriented programming help to inherit properties and behavior from more than one class. It means that there can be numerous superclasses through it for a single subclass. This type of inheritance can’t be done in Java, so hybrid inheritance helps replicate something similar.
Firstly, with the help of Interface inheritance, multiple interfaces are inherited to a new class. It means this class now has the methods of all the interfaces Inherited from it. After that, this new class is modified to have some of its own characteristics.
Now, another new class is created, which inherits the pre-existing new class with the help of single inheritance. This way, you can have a new class with multiple methods inherited from a class and multiple interfaces without using multiple inheritances in Java.
- Example of Hybrid Inheritance
In the above example, two interfaces are there. The first interface, “Swimming,” has the method “swim(),” and the second interface, “Walking,” has the method “walk().” Now, a new class called “Animal” is created with the method “eat().”
Another new class, “Duck,” has been created and extended to the “Animal” class. It means “Duck” now has all the methods of the above interfaces and the “Animal” class method. Moreover, this duck class can now be used to inherit all the above methods to any new class. Here you can see a new class is “Donald.”
Wrapping Up
Multiple inheritances in object-oriented programming is a powerful concept. However, in Java, it can’t be implemented directly. But you can implement it with the help of hybrid inheritance in Java. Learning hybrid inheritance can benefit your object-oriented programming journey. So, keep learning the use cases of hybrid inheritance to make yourself good at programming.