Experienced Employment and Collective Bargaining Attorney
There is a large body of law that controls the employer-employee relationship, including individual employment contracts and extensive statutory regulations on issues such as the right to file and negotiate collective bargaining agreements, prevention of discrimination, wages and hours, and workplace health and safety. An employment agreement is always more than the exchange of labor for money and whenever you feel troubled, an employment and Collective Bargaining Attorney can help.
There used to be a misconception that relationship between employer and employees is of master and servant. However, with the introduction of strict laws and regulations, there is nothing like exist now. Workers have full rights to fight against discrimination and unfair treatment. On the other hand, employers also enjoy regulations that meant to protect them.
A collective bargaining attorney can a variety of legal tasks such as helping unions and engaged employers in collective bargaining. If we weigh down the coverage, it seems employees have far more rights concerning the employment relationship.
If you feel that you were wrongfully terminated or you had been going through employment issues then you should take advice of a legal advisor regarding the following:
Physical Safety
These laws-related problems are such as dangerous machinery, hazardous stuff, and noise. A more recent course has been the banning of smoking in the workplace. All of these laws put the burden on employers to maintain safe and healthy work conditions. When a worker is injured on the job, the employee may seek compensation benefits with the state Workers’ Compensation system.
Employment law has altered most radically in the protection that it provides employees against discrimination in the workplace. This act contains broad prohibitions against partiality on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex.
Termination of Employment
Employment law has limited an employee’s right to challenge an employer’s unfair, adverse, or damaging practices. If an employer fires an employee, the employer must be prepared to show “good cause” for the firing. Good cause can include insufficient job performance, job-related misconduct, certain types of off-the-job conduct, and business needs. Tremiti LLC can help employees who have been wrongfully terminated.
Wage and Hour Regulations
In this the minimum hourly wage is a means of ensuring that a full-time worker can maintain a minimum standard of living. Overtime standards require that an employer pay employees at least time and a half for working more than eight hours per day. A collective bargaining attorney can help in receiving unpaid wages with effective negotiations.
Leaves of Absence
An act was established for the rights of employees to take unpaid leave for family reasons. It allows an employee to take up to 12 weeks of leave during a 12-month period because of the birth of a child to the employee or to recover the employee’s own serious health condition. If you are facing employment discrimination, overtime pay issues, or any other employment issue, you can Contact- Tremiti LLC.