Everything You Need To Know About Early Symptoms of Pregnancy
Missing your period is usually considered as one of the early symptoms of pregnancy, but there is a lot that might happen to your body even before you miss your period! There are a number of pregnancy symptoms that occur in your body during the early or initial stages of your pregnancy. Sometimes these early symptoms of pregnancy can seem similar to the normal premenstrual symptoms as well. So the next time you start nauseating a lot or feel that morning sickness becoming heavy out of nowhere, it can be a sign!
Here is a list all of the most important early symptoms of pregnancy and their reason for the occurrence:
Implantation bleeding is not equal to menstrual bleeding
When a fertilized egg burrows itself into the plush lining of the uterus around 6-12 days after conception, you might experience light vaginal bleeding. You are most likely to mistake this ‘implantation bleeding’ for the early signs of your period. But this is not the case. Implantation bleeding is generally lighter than the menstruation bleeding and is generally brown or pink in color, contrary to the red color of menstruation
The early symptoms of pregnancy are usually harmless but it is always advisable to let your doctor know and consult them well in advance if you are expecting. This is so that your doctor can rule out the other causes of bleeding. During the first trimester, any sort of bleeding should be keenly evaluated for three major causes – miscarriage, any infections or ectopic pregnancy. Thus implantation bleeding needs to be checked and evaluated correctly.
Nausea plays a major role
There’s something called “white/pale morning sickness” that affects about 85% pregnant women. It is not likely to strike for a few early weeks. However, most women say that they experience a more subtle form of motion sickness as an early symptom of pregnancy. There are women that suddenly feel uneasy in a car or feel sick during a flight. Women might start having this condition, feeling or symptom as early as two weeks after the conception.
The production of progesterone causes a lot of changes in your body. It majorly affects the bodily systems and causes a lot of things to slow down. This includes your digestive system. This might lead to indigestion or constipation many times. At this time, your stomach doesnt empty as fast as it usually does, thus, it tends to believe that there is too much going on in there and results in the feeling of purging. This can be either into the gut or through the mouth.
Nausea in pregnant women is also related to a hormone known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone can be detected in the mother’s urine or blood even before the missed period. Higher hCG levels might make you feel sicker.
Bathroom breaks are a thing
You might think that signs of frequent urination knock later on the door, approximately when the baby presses the bladder but that is not true. You might also experience an increase in the bathroom breaks starting way too early during your pregnancy. This can be due to a couple of reasons. Sometimes, the swelling uterus puts pressure on the bladder. Sometimes the extra blood flow into the kidneys causes your system to produce more urine. However, that being said, there is not much you can do about any of this. You need to take those bathroom breaks. On the other hand, if the urination is accompanied by a burning sensation or itching or simply an urgency, consult your doctor as it can be a sign of a urine infection. Make sure to increase your fluid intake and take proper rest
Oh hello, Basal Body Temperature (BBT)
One thing is to check your basal body temperature first thing after you get up. This can help you in understanding when you are ovulating. Your body temperature rises about half a degree during the time when the egg is released. And it remains risen till you get your period. So, if you notice an increase in your Basal Body Temperature and also notice that it hasn’t decreased in more than two weeks, it may mean that your little munchkin in on the way. You might need a special digital thermometer to measure the basal temperature. It is more precise than normal thermometers used for measuring fever
Fatigue is your new calling
During the first few weeks of pregnancy, your body tends to overwork itself in order to support the| your body works 24*7 to do so. Hence, increased fatigue is a result of that and a preferably normal response. The early weeks of pregnancy also cause your heart to beat faster, as it needs to deliver the extra oxygen to your uterus. This can too, make your body feel exhausted.