Everything You Need To Know About Diet And Nutrition Pre-Liver-Transplant
You can’t live a healthy life if your liver isn’t in good shape. The liver is one of the body’s most hardworking and tough organs. It helps to protect and nourish our bodies throughout our lives. The liver is the only organ in the human body with 100% regenerative potential. In the words of the best liver transplant surgeon in the world “A liver transplant is a procedure that involves the transplantation of a healthy piece of the liver while the sick or damaged liver is removed. The quality of life after a liver transplant is determined by the diet followed prior to the procedure.”
Therefore, before undergoing a liver transplant, the patient must adhere to a strict diet and nutrition plan. In this article, we highlight a few helpful tips for patients on the list of getting a liver transplant. Continue reading to learn more about it!
What are the Functions of a Liver?
It is critical to comprehend the liver’s basic operations. Clarity and preparation are always enhanced by a deeper understanding.
- Clears the blood
- Production of bile
- Cholesterol regulation
- All of the body’s essential fuels are regulated.
- Produces all of the body’s essential proteins
- Detoxifies the body’s chemicals.
- Metabolizes and break down drugs
Diet and Nutrition Requirements before a Liver-Transplant!
Do you know that when a patient is scheduled for a liver transplant, he must adhere to a strict diet plan? The following are some dietary restrictions:
- Limit Sodium Consumption–The first item on the agenda for a patient is to reduce his sodium intake. Sodium has been shown to have a negative impact on liver function. Excess salt consumption can aggravate the effects of a damaged liver. As a result, it’s crucial to keep your sodium intake under control.
- Supplements — Before your liver transplant, you will be advised to discontinue taking all supplements, vitamins, and herbs. Before you restart them, make sure you have your doctor’s permission beforehand.
- Alcohol – Drinking alcohol can make your liver problems worse. Even a small amount can wreak havoc on your liver. You should never touch alcohol again if you are having a transplant because of it.
- Smoking — You must stop using tobacco at least 1-2 months before surgery. This will aid in the reduction of potential complications both during and after the treatment. After two months without smoking, the new lungs will be able to work better.
A liver transplant is a costly operation. If you have any questions concerning the factors involved with a liver transplant, such as the typical liver transplant cost in India, speak with your doctor. If you are ready to have your liver transplanted, however, you must adhere to a strict fitness regimen and consume plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. This will allow for speedier recuperation and infection resistance.