Everything You Need to Know About Air Compressors
An air compressor is a pneumatic device that converts power supplied by a gasoline or diesel engine or electric motor into potential energy. The potential energy, thus, created is stored in the form of compressed air. More and more air is forced into the storage tank by an air compressor and when the full capacity levels of the tank are reached, the machine is shut off. The compressed air holds kinetic energy. Air Compressor, therefore, serves as a pneumatic tool when the energy is released. The tank de-pressurizes and once again these machines work to fill it with air. This cycle repeats again and again. It may be noted that the machine works only with air or gas as the medium. These machines can fill up an inflatable raft or a tyre. They can also work with a paint sprayer or a nail gun.
These machines come in three different grades; consumer, contractor and commercial. The prices of these machines vary depending on their horsepower, compressor brand, the technology of the compressor and also model name or number. The air compressor’s price range varies from Rs 6,336 a piece for a consumer brand to as high as Rs.1 crore for an industrial brand, depending on the type of use.
Different Types of Air Compressors
Air compressors are divided into different types based on the following:
Power House 1.5 HP Air Compressor
Positive displacement and Dynamic are the two broad categories which are further subdivided into Reciprocating, Rotary, Centrifugal and Axial machines.
(A) Positive displacement:
In this type of machine, the air is continually forced into a variable volume chamber and the air pressure increases as the volume in the storage tank decreases. The air is then released into the machine’s outlet.
– Rotary screw compressors
These have two meshing helical screws or rotors rotating in opposite directions which continuously pushes the air into a storage tank. This type normally services 5 HP to 350 HP machines. These machines are less noisy, more energy efficient and have high-pressure ratios. They are also priced higher. They are designed for continuous use. They are best for large-scale jobs or industrial uses.
– Reciprocating compressors
They are displacement compressors found in garages and home construction projects. This machine works with a piston inside a cylinder which compresses and displaces air to build pressure. They come in single or multi-stage variations which affect the pressure ranges that they can achieve.
(B) Dynamic machines:
These have rapidly rotating blades which restrict the air to create pressure. Kinetic energy is stored inside the compressor as static energy.
– Axial compressors
These are found inside high-speed engines on ships and planes. Though axial compressors have high efficiency, they also are very expensive.
Centrifugal compressors
These machines allow slow, incoming air through a diffuser to build potential energy. They have a multi-phase compression process which allows a relatively small machine to generate high air pressure. They require less maintenance and produce oil-free air. They are useful for large industrial plants and chemical plants.
What are the parts of the air compressor machine?
The parts of this machine include the following:
1. Actuators
2. Bearings
3. Belts
4. Bumpers
5. Bushings
6. Connecting rods
7. Couplings
8. Desiccant dryers/ Q-seals
9. Gauges
10. Motors
11. O-rings
12. Pistons and rods
13. Rotors
14. Shims
15. Springs
16. Air compressor tank
How to choose a specific type of air compressor?
● Analyze the requirement of the equipment that you will be powering: Are you using the machine to run an industrial machine, inflate a tyre or power pneumatic tools? You will need a machine with a tank for a high flow of air. For filling a tyre, a tankless variety will serve your purpose. Consider the pressure and volume requirements depending on whether your tasks are heavy duty or smaller tasks.
● Understand the different types of compressors available and their associated uses: Whether the use will be continuous or intermittent, you may look at piston compressors which are the single-stage or double stage.
● Make specific determinations such as
o Horse Power (larger H.P is required for industrial purposes),
o cubic feet per minute which measure the volumetric flow,
o space and portability,
o size of the hose required,
o power source of the machine: whether electric, gasoline or diesel powered, and
o size of the tank if it is a tank-mounted machine.
Shop for a new compressor today!
As there is a bewildering array of compressors, you must identify the kind of compressor that matches best your needs. All the above details can help you to choose the one which is best suited for all your purposes.
Industry Buying has several types of compressors on its website. It offers a wide variety of brands, different compressor specifications, and price ranges to choose from. When you buy on Industry Buying, you are assured of the best bulk discounts and best deals. Quality and reliability of performance are also guaranteed. Visit Industry Buying today to buy the compressor of your choice.