Everything to Know About Abacus Math Program
Abacus math program helps the children to have their basics cleared and from a very tender age makes them understand math. It helps to build a firm foundation in this particular subject of importance. Children are made to learn math easily with the help of this creative and fun program. Millions of children throughout the world have taken this benefit and have used this innovative and oldest method of learning math. It’s also proven to be conducive for the overall brain development in children.
Abacus is a tool that has been used to make calculations since time immemorial. The actual origin of the abacus has not been known and it comes with rows and moveable beads on those rows that represent digits. One can make multiple calculative operations with the help of abacus. Children are taught the fundamentals of mathematical calculations with the help of modern abacus. It is a proven fact that abacus helps to build strong foundations in the subject of mental math in children.
Teaching with abacus allows children to soar and achieve great feats in the later part of their academic life. It also helps children to clear the basics in math which fosters their excelling in the subject. The other interesting and positive benefits that come along when being taught with abacus is that it allows the holistic development of the brain which eventually leads to exceptional results in the overall academic life of the children.
It’s a Powerful and an Efficient Tool
Japan began to use this tool and now it’s being used worldwide. It’s a powerful and an efficient tool used to teach abacus mental arithmetic to children. When the eyes are exposed to the Soroban for a long period of time the need for the tool vanishes away and children can make calculations effortlessly in their minds.
After that there is no requirement of the physical use of this tool and not even of any calculator to do calculations in arithmetic. This is the whole purpose of the program and with time children become accustomed to making calculations mentally and derive efficient results for themselves.
What Is Abacus Mental Arithmetic And Abacus Tutoring Program?
What is understood by abacus mental arithmetic tutoring is that abacus is used for teaching mental arithmetic. It’s used to make calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. There is a reason why it is known as the best method used to make calculations around the world. That is why the world has seen a great demand for children aged between 3-14 to study math with the help of abacus.
With time it has gained so much popularity and recognition when it’s about teaching mental arithmetic to children. It is one of the most enjoyable and fun ways of learning the basics of math. The end result for the children is the overall development of their brain in the longer period of time. It makes learning math a lot easier which most children find tiresome for themselves.
Mental arithmetic also increases the mental capacity, strengthens the memory and enhances children’s ability to concentrate. It gives them an understanding of the numbers and prepares them to solve mathematical calculations mentally. Higher levels of concentration and an ability to think quickly among the children are considerably improved with time.
This program also lends a positive impact on the photographic memory and strengthens it as the whole brain gets involved in the activity. The other advantages with abacus mental arithmetic tutoring is that it activates both the hemispheres of the brain, that is the left and the right hemispheres of the human brain.
The Overall Advantages
The primary aim of the program is to strengthen the mental math abilities of children. But, there are a lot more advantages and benefits the program can have for children. These are some of the advantages that will help in the overall development of the brain and have other positive effects on their brains. Let’s talk about them.
-Improved Concentration Levels
The most important and indispensable quality of a good student is the ability to concentrate. The children with strong concentration abilities perform exceptionally well in their academic life. This is a great advantage and a chance to develop this ability in children. It makes life for students a lot more easy and fun.
-Observation and Listening Skills Are Enhanced
Children getting exposed to abacus have to observe things when making calculations which enhance this skill in them. With time it is very much conspicuous among the children that their observation and listening skills are enhanced exponentially.
-Improved Levels of Imagination
As the children are engaged in the program, the whole brain starts to respond. Both the hemispheres of the brain are activated and children certainly have improved levels of imagination. Imagination is underrated, but it has a great utility in life. It can help understanding perspectives, solve a problem or understand this unfathomable world.
-Strengthens Memory
It’s another positive advantage that children gain for themselves. As the receptive abilities of a child get a boost, it helps children to retain things in the mind for a longer period of time. Having a sharp memory is one of the most typical characteristics of intelligent people. Retaining abilities helps in understanding things a lot more clearly that fosters creativity in the long run.
-Creativity Witnesses a Boost
Having seen a lot of cut throat competition in the world, creativity holds a great importance for individuals. When children are creative they can find and create ingenious ways to be successful in life. This is a great advantage to be gained with the help of this program.
-Enhanced Levels of Confidence
It’s a wonderful experience to see confident children everywhere. When they have a conviction to do something with confidence it tells a story about their character. Confident children have a kind of assertiveness and charm that is appealing. Surely it’s a desired quality to imbibe and emulate because if children present themselves with confidence they can always pull off anything.
-A Strong Foundation for Academic Success
Training and learning with these programs opens up the opportunity to set a strong foundation for the academic success for children in all the disciplines. It helps children to develop their intellect and think reasonably. The results show how well they perform in their academics.
With the mental arithmetic and abacus tutoring program children enjoy the process of learning and make use of the world’s oldest calculator. The potential benefits to learn from this program are immense. A great deal of improvement is seen in the arithmetic abilities of the students along with a boost in their confidence. The whole idea is to equip the children to make calculations in their mind without the physical use of any modern device or use any other method of calculations.
Another by-product of this program is an increase in the problem solving abilities of children. Children visualize abacus to make arithmetic calculations in their brains. With time the need of making the physical use of abacus drops and children are efficient to make all these calculations in their brains on their own.