Employers Don’t Know Why Employees Are Leaving
I cannot tell you how much I love this article. 2 of my favorite quotes…”…employers don’t know why employees are leaving. And this is more important.”
“During 2020, while working from the safety of my house yet leading the COVID-19 effort for my company, I felt deployed again. Months before the Great Resignation started, I told my company leadership team that a Great Something would come because it always does after the return-from-deployment high wears off. People spend their money in crazy ways, get married, divorced, make rash decisions, buy motorcycles and crash them, take their own lives, finally take that bucket-list trip. I’m not a doctor, not a scientist, just a five-time observer of deployment burnout—the high and then low after returning, and the caged feeling.
People ultimately need to set themselves free. The emotional ties that may have bound people together during the pandemic work period has waned, and now they will seek opportunities not only to unpin their clipped wings but to fully expand them in ways they wouldn’t have let themselves do previously.”
She goes on to describe the phenomenon so many of us are feeling and why. And gives some counter-intuitive and practical (and potentially hard to hear) advice about what to do about The Great Resignation / Great Reshuffle.